Category "postman"

Running my postman collections in Azure devOps build pipelines but fails with "401" and a "404" status code

I have exported my postman collections plus environment and global variables and pushed to them to Azure repos, then trying to run API test through a build pipe

Bulk POST/PUT API requests using POSTMAN or any other means

I have a list of API requests which are already in URL format. I just need to POST them one after the other automatically and log their results. The only way I

Getting 400 bad request in Axios but in Postman status 200

I'm trying to request a Power BI API using axios. var configReportInfos = { method: 'get', url: `${process.env

Postman test case insetitive

I have a test case in the Postman which looks like: pm.test("Last Name contains Bob", () => { const responseJson = pm.response.json();

Access res.locals in Multer.diskStorage->filename

I'm working on a login, where the use consists of userImage, userName, userStatus (all send as form-data). To upload the userImage im using Multer. This is how

postman Pre-request Scropt Unexpected token u in JSON at position 0

I have a post man collection that every route has a Pre-request Script like this const loginUrl = pm.environment.get("reportingUrl") + "auth/login"; console.log

can't get response status code with JavaScript fetch [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a login form. when I'm testing the service with Postman, I will get a body object with status code and etc. But, with

How to create an issue on Github using Postman with Github's API?

I was trying to create an issue on GitHub using GitHub's API with Postman. It does not work even after I provide the personal token generated on my site. Does s

Invalid character in header content ["Host"] Postman

When i try to test api with localhost:[port] it gives the invalid character in header ["Host"] console error. I am using dotnet core webApi. I cross checked the

Can I use postman collection variable inside newman?

Using variables from scope: collection inside Postman works fine. But when I export collection and use it inside Newman it does not work as I expected. 1) Var

how to create a new user with postman and assign group in keycloak?

I have this JSON to create a new user, which works for me, but it doesn't assign the group declared in the groups "groups":["APIs"] tab to the user json: {

Postman is returning a 404 error on my Spring Boot API

I've built a spring boot rest api. However, when I try to test it in Postman, I am getting a 404 error. I have linked the code below. Please note that there

Sending server-side events to GA4 using API

I've been using Google's documentation to attempt to build/test server-side events for GA4 using Postman. I've found the event to work when using their event bu

NodeJs how to parse post body sent from Postman

I'm having this simple NodeJs code to handle post request sent from any other origin like Postman const http = require("http"); const { parse } = require("query

Getting Unsupported Media Type for .net core

I'm new in backend development and Gettig 415 Unsupported Media Type in multipart API written in .net core. I have attached the postman image for your reference

How to send JSON format data in postman to django models that have a foreign key to another model?

I have tried to send a POST request to django file using postman. It was working when I sent a POST and GET request to django models that haven't Forei

Sending POST request with POSTMAN to Java REST API and getting null values in the xml response

I am creating a REST Service in Java and now I am building the post method which has 2 parameters that has to be inputted as xml in postman (for test) and get a

I can't display data from database on web page using Python and Django

I have a big problem. I want to display data from my database( SQLite) on a webpage( the data should be present in an HTML table). I have checked my request wit

How to generate oauth_signature in C#

I'm trying to call an API which was associated with OAuth 1.0 version. From the postman wen I tried by passing the header param "Authorization" It's value is as

Simple Twinfield API request with Postman

I want to connect sales invoices with javascript/ google apps script. Therefore I want to test some things with Postman. I know, that the API works with XML and