Category "angular"

how to disable angular material typography styles?

how to disable angular material typography styles after installed angular materials? It is changing my visual style and it is not easy to overwrite. I dont need

Cypress with Azure AD (MSAL)

I'm new to both Cypress and Azure AD, but I've been following the steps described here to create Cypress tests on an existing Angular app that uses Azure AD. It

Angular - Typescript dynamic import module using variable

I'm building an Angular app that lazy loads modules without routing, simulating plugins. I have this function in a Service that loads a module (hardcoded right

Render angular.js template on click href

Hei friends,I'm kind rusty on mvc I need help. This is the cshtml ,my html and script is in the same page ,I want to render angular html Without refreshing page is undefined in angular app

Note: I know the subject looks similar to that other question, but it is different I have angular app that calls Google API (gapi). I have functions that call g

Angular Material 13 - How to change the color of a border of a mat-form-field

How to change the color of a border of a mat-form-field ? (The border when the field is selected) thx ^^ screen .search { display: flex; justify-content: ce

Ionic Blank Screen After Updated It to Ionic 6

I updated my ionic app to Ionic 6, and when I tried to run my app and It gives me a full Blank Screen, and only this error on the debug console: main.js:1 ERROR

how to set two value in one optionLabel? in Angular PrimeNG

I want to set two values in one label. As an example, if I open dropdown it should show as "value1 value2" in one line with space. value1 and value2 data are

Use Angular Material mat-icon with custom svg icon in angular standalone library

I'm creating this angular library for a project, and inside it, i'm utilizing @angular/material mat-icon component. There is some custom svg files included as a

Angular - Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'forEach') by trying to manipulate variable after an HTTP call

I'm trying to manipulate a variable after an HTTP call. I want to use functions such as .push() or .forEach(), but it doesn't allow me because data isn't assign

After Angular 13 Upgrade, Jasmine Unit Test Fails - Expected one matching request for criteria "Match method: POST, URL: api/x/x-search", found none

After upgrading to Angular 13 from 12, some of the Unit Tests started failing: Error: Expected one matching request for criteria "Match method: POST, URL: api/

What is the use of --output-hashing=all in angular build?

When we create build for production then we use a command as - ng build --aot --output-hashing=all --prod --base-href "/xyz/" --deploy-url "/xyz/" What is use

Angular PWA on Samsung Internet Browser

Angular version: 13 Samsung Internet version: I developed an Angular application and added PWA. Chrome and Edge display the install icon, but Samsung

Angular typescript update class if element is in array

I am doing an APP in Angular 12. In my component.ts I have an string array[] like AccessRoles["AA","BB"] And on the other side I have a class like this export c

Deploy Angular Universal folder Server and Browser

I've built a project with Angular Universal with the command: npm run build:ssr Everything worked perfectly as I was able to visualize the result by using npm r

Corrupted file - .xml2js.DELETE/package,json in node_modules within an Angular project

Errors began after updating to Angular-Cli V10.1.0. Initial problems I encountered: The ng command was not working. I found that core dependencies were missing:

webpack AngularCompilerPlugin hostReplacementPaths in angular 13 doesn't work

After I've upgraded angular from v11 to v13 I found that I can't use hostReplacements from the AngularCompilerPlugin const angularCompilerPlugin = config.plugin

Why is Swiper not working for me in angular?

I am trying to use Swiper but I cannot achieve it, I followed the steps in the documentation (, the problem is that all the im

CoreUI styles aren't loading in my angular project?

I am trying to get the starter template html code from this website to work in angular. I made a new project, ran $ git clone

GRAILS, ANGULAR, GRADLE --- Execution failed for task ':npmInstall'. --- npm finished with non-zero exit value 1

I am developing a project in IntelliJ and I am using Angular for the frontend and Grails for the backend. The project is being built with Gradle, and I am getti