Category "angular"

How to get a certain post, its tags and comments from Wordpress REST API using switchMap and then combine the resulting values using JS?

I am working on an Angular app that needs to fetch a certain post with a given ID, its respective tag names and comments from Wordpress REST API. This applicati

Enlarging Swiper Navigation Buttons

I'm trying to enlarge the arrow of the Navigation of my swiper. I found that it is control by this CSS ".swiper-button-next::after", which is defined in swiper.

Enlarging Swiper Navigation Buttons

I'm trying to enlarge the arrow of the Navigation of my swiper. I found that it is control by this CSS ".swiper-button-next::after", which is defined in swiper.

How can I save the state of a component after navigating to another component in Angular 8

I have 2 components: HomeComponent and CityComponent. They do not have any relationship. After navigating back to the HomeComponent, the state of the CityCompon

Angular - Maximum call stack size exceeded

I'm getting an error when I try and do an ng build on an Angular library project. Most likely something is eventually creating/calling itself, but it only fails

Why is the google maps places search not placing a marker when a location is found in my Angular project?

I am using the @angular/google-maps package in my Angular project to display a map with a search box for searching locations. When I search for a location, it i

Agular "partial" vs "full" compilation mode?

Why the library compiled in the "partial" compilation mode builds so slowly inside of the consumer application, compared to the "full" compilation mode?

MatTabGroup is not reliably showing pagination buttons

I am having an issue with the Angular Material Tabs component. I am trying to use the MatTabGroup with a handful of tabs in it. The problem is, when my componen

Tailwindcss 3 with Angular 13 - new styles don't show after ctrl+s livereaload

I am using Tailwindcss 3 with Angular 13. When I apply new class (for example bg-cyan-500) the style is not added into final .css file and the change is not vis

Infinite loop when calling detectChanges() inside ngAfterViewChecked?

I recently reviewed some code where detectChanges() is called from ngAfterViewChecked. How does that not cause an infinite loop? Shouldn't it trigger another ch

Injector is returning null using injector.get()

I'm facing an issue with the injector.get(ViewContainerRef) to get the instance of ViewContainerRef. It is returning null/undefined when try to get the instance

Changing starting position of mat-slider

I am working on mat-slider. I want to place thumb in middle and start sliding left and right. My code is as follows

Angular 8 : What is the best way to store some temp data to transfer between the components

I need to store some temporary data to communicate between the component. (say the data is JSON). We have a lot of ways like LocalStorage, SessionStorage, Servi

Angular application start with "ng serve" returning error

⠋ Generating browser application bundles (phase: setup)...Compiling @angular/core : es2015 as esm2015 Error: Error on worker #1: TypeError:

Selected Field Value visible in matToolTip but not in disabled divTable dropdown

I have the following code: table.component.html <div *ngFor="let person of persons; let i = index;" class="tbody"> <div class="row"> <

ngx-image-zoom set max-width and -height

ngx-image-zoom is a great product. After some testing we found out it will be necessary to set a max-width so a large image won't bump other content off the cli

Whenever I refresh page its path copy again and again angular routing issue

Whenever I go to my landing page and if I refresh it then it add one more path to the landing page any solution you can refer images for more information const

Call retries were exceeded exception while ng build

I am facing an exception while ng build (generating ES5 bundles for differential loading...) An unhandled exception occured: Call retires were exceeded Used

Function with RxJS and combineLatest sometimes works and sometimes doesn't

If you call this function multiple times with the values of the observables obs1 and obs2 being the same each time, the returned array is not always the same. g

What is React Native WebView alternative for Capacitor/Angular?

I need to transform WebView component from React Native to Capacitor/Ionic/Angular: <WebView source={{uri: customUri}} /> Is there some similar option