Category "mysql"

issue with python-mysql library with in Docker

We have a peculiar situation. I have inherited some source code from the people who left the company. in docker file they are installing the mysql driver via ap

issue with python-mysql library with in Docker

We have a peculiar situation. I have inherited some source code from the people who left the company. in docker file they are installing the mysql driver via ap

improve sql query with 2 EXISTS sub queries

I have this query (mysql): SELECT `budget_items`.* FROM `budget_items` WHERE (budget_category_id = 4 AND ((is_custom_for_family = 0)

Joining MySQL table

in my database there are 2 tables : posts, room Posts tables include ID and Title columns and includes many rooms and hotels titles and IDs. In the room table t

SSIS Data flow task (SQl -> CSV) data formatting issue

In SSIS, I have a data flow task which uses a data flow task to get data from SQL and save it in CSV file( using flat file connection manager). In this, I have

Sequelize ORDER BY ASC numeric string

please help in this matter. So my scenario is that I have driver app (flutter) that fetch ongoing orders that needed to be delivered. I would like to fetch orde

"There is no active transaction" when refreshing database in Laravel 8.0 test

Using php 8.0.2 and Laravel 8.37.0, I am running tests where for every test the database data should be refreshed, since there is conflicting data per test (due

How to use distinct inside concat_ws() in mysql?

In mySQL I have a table: id name code1 code2 code3 1 Jim aaa aaa a 2 Ryan bb bbb b 3 Ted c c

The sum of the user's points

I am a beginner when it comes to PHP and it is not my specialty, I am rather in the front end and I have a big problem. I need to edit one of the tables after a

When i use GetReportData from the Package ‘RGoogleAnalytics’, the data stop being fetched after sometime

When i use GetReportData from the Package ‘RGoogleAnalytics’, the data stop being fetched after sometime. E.g If the data to be fetched has 100,000

How to use Haversine formula in Sequelize-typescript to get distance between two coordinates

SELECT id, ( 6371 * ACOS( COS( RADIANS( db_latitude ) ) * COS( RADIANS( $user_latitude ) ) * COS( RADIANS( $user_longitude ) -

Import file using DBeaver

I currently use Mysql Workbeanch and I want to move to DBeaver as it is an all in for multiple databases. However I use a function to import a CSV from Amazon

Mysql Database cant connect using "loclhost" But Can Connect using "" Centos 7 (Cloudlinux)

My OS: Centos 7 + CLOUDLINUX 7.7 When I Try To Login Mysql From Server [root@server3 ~]# Mysql -u root -h localhost -P 3306 Working ok [root@server3 ~]# Mys

Rename MySQL table name safely in Flyway script

I'm going to rename a MySQL 8.0 table via Flyway SQL script: RENAME TABLE aaa TO bbb; and it's supposed to be run on env many times - but such the script is no

Symfony 3.4 and MySQl 8. General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away when running a transaction in a rabbitmq queue

I have one system (Symfony 5, symfony/messenger) sending data to another (Symfony 3.4, enqueue/enqueue-bundle 0.9) using a rabbitmq queue. The data is used to c

Docker Container cant connect to MySQL database

I have a MySQL instance running in a docker container, available on my host system at port 3333. I already tested the connection via the MySQL workbench to veri

How to use group by and ordery by with some operation in SQL? [closed]

I have two columns price and sold_count for the product table. How do write sql query to find the top 3 shops having highest Revenue (calculat

mysql command is not found in macOS

I have installed MySQL with .dmg installation file according to the official page. But it returns command not found: mysql when I execute mysql command. How to

My password_verify for a value from database always return false

include("src/database.php");#this included file works wll $query=mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM students limit 1"); $data=mysqli_fetch_assoc($query); echo "m

how can i display the name of a professional from a patient's appointment?

I have this four tables: One for users, other for professionals, other for patients y another for appointments. I want to get the name of professional from pati