Category "python"

I'm unable to install some specific libraries via pip install

I've been trying to install the gym library via pip install gym I get the following error WARNING: Discarding

SSL error only in python command window with apify request

I am trying to use endpoint from When I run my request in web browser with token everything is fine but if I run my request via requests library from

google_play_scraper cannot crawl all reviews

AS I followed codes of reviews_all from I sitll cannot get all reviews, just only a few and not even sorted by d

Converting From .pt model to .h5 model

I am using Google colab. I want to convert .pt model from my google drive to .h5 model. I follow link and https://ww

How to stop autopep8 not installed messages in Code

I'm a new Python programmer using the Mac version of VS Code 1.45.1 to create a Django project. I have the Python and Django extensions installed. Every time I

Eigenanalysis of complex hermitian matrix: different phase angles for EIG and EIGH

I understand that eigenvectors are only defined up to a multiplicative constant. As far as I see all numpy algorithms (e.g. linalg.eig, linalg.eigh, linalg.svd)

H14 in heroku web

Hello I was just trying to use web and worker based bot I mean something like with # telegram bot from pyrogram import Client,filters Bot = Client(api_i

Simpy: How to monitor resource use

I am trying to understand how to collect data for computing resource use, for example, the average number of customers waiting in line. I looked at the documen

How to convert ffmpeg complex_filter to ffmpeg-python

I am trying to learn to convert ffmpeg command line background blur filter to ffmpeg-python format. '-lavfi' and [0:v]scale=ih*16/9:-1,boxblur=luma_radius=min(h

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_tkinter' on macOS

Tkinter doesn't work, it throws an error. Installation % pip3 install tk My code #!/usr/bin/env python3 import tkinter as tk The Error Traceback (most recent

How to ignore infobox when scraping title from Wikipedia anchor text?

I am trying to scrape the first 20 links on a Wikipedia page but I want to ignore the infobox on the right side. It has a 'table' tag. Here is what I have so fa

'Access is denied' to Python 3.8 for PyCharm on Windows 10

Attempting to create a new project in PyCharm Community on Windows 10. Here are the settings for new project in PyCharm: I'm greeted with the error msg: Cannot

problems with """input().split() in loop""" in python

n, m, k, r = tuple([int(i) for i in input().split()]) roads = [] for road in range(m): t = tuple(list(map(int, input().split()))) roads.append(t) pri

How to read SEQ files produced by FLIR thermal infrared cameras?

I have some thermal infrared videos in .SEQ format captures with a FLIR camera. I can view them using FLIR Tools software, but I would like to instead read them

Webscraping Google Search Results Using Google API - Returns same result over and over again

My problem Hi everyone I am attempting to develop my very first web scraper using the Google API and Beautiful Soup in Python. The aim is for the scraper to

How to get PRAW (the Python Reddit API Wrapper) to read submission ID?

Goal: I have collected hundreds of reddit posts' details in Excel sheets. Now, I want to collect comments on these Reddit posts using PRAW. Method: At first, I

How to create a for loop with checking appended models

I have a list of models that I iterate through in a for loop getting their performances. I've added catboost to my model list, but when I try to add it's best e

No module named 'virtualenv.activation.xonsh'

I triyed to execute pipenv shell in a new environtment and I got the following error: Loading .env environment variables… Creating a virtualenv for this

scipy.spatial.Delaunay: Finding points inside 3d poly yields points outside the 3d poly

I want to find N random points which are located within a 3d poly e.g. a square-based pyramid. As speed will become a critical parameter later on I'd like to us

Repeated values in prediction with sequential model

The problem I got is with the result, I get the same value in the 'future' field in all the rows as follows. open high low close