Category "android"

Android View Binding problem ,public class name and and file name is different

screenshot of layout file Link of the screen shot click here file is generated by compiler , how the public class name and file name is

An alternative solution to set negative padding values in Jetpack Compose? (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Padding must be non-negative)

I'm trying to assign a negative value to the padding modifier but the app had crashed. Have a look at my code. Thanks if you can help or give me an alternative

Android TV emulator managing network speed in runtime

In the old days, when testing my app on an Android TV emulator, I changed the Internet speed through the cellular tab in extended controls (while the applicatio

Installing pcks12 certificate in android "wrong password" bug

When trying to import a pkcs12 certificate file into android for use with the openvpn connect app, I am prompted to input a password. This is the password relev

Android - mixing NavGraph with ViewPager2

I'm looking for the following design in my android app: I want the main screen to be a TabLayout with 3 tabs, and a ViewPager2. From each one of the 3 fragments

How to show Toast Message with Binding Adapter

I dont see Toast Messages. I want to show a toast messagges when click userAddFavoriteButton.. @BindingAdapter("addFavorite") fun bindAddFavorite(userAddFavorit

My MutableStateFlow doesnt emit when called from suspend function in test

I am trying to write tests for my Repository which provides access to my Room database. For this, I wrote a Mock Database and a mock DAO: My Database: abstract

Flutter and Android Release Mode

How I can find out crash logs in release mode in a flutter. In the android studio, I am not able to get crash logs where the app is going to crash.

Jetpack Compose Scrollbars

Is there any way to add Scrollbars to add LazyColumn (ScrollableColumn is deprecated). The Javadoc doesn't mention anything about Scrollbars in Jetpack Compose.

SpeechRecognizerListener giving Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL] in onResults(Bundle results) majority devices which have android 11

I am Using speech = SpeechRecognizer.createSpeechRecognizer(getReactApplicationContext().getApplicationContext()); speech.setRecognitionListener(Voi

Android - Is there a way to set padding to a webview content?

I've a BottomNavigationView with radius borders, and I need to see the content of the pages passing between the borders. But, one of the BottomNavigationView's

Add adblock in webview

I'm trying to add adblock in my fragment, and when I'm tryed inisialize webview I got underline this on new AdBlockerWebView.init(this).initializeWebView(webVie

Dagger - Hilt : Do we need to mark all activities with @AndroidEntryPoint

So my question is as I am getting started with Hilt, do we need to mark all activities with @AndroidEntryPoint annotation or can we just create a BaseActivity a

"Repeats modules with scoped bindings or declarations .. with scopes: @javax.inject.Singleton" Dagger 2

I'm trying out the Hilt DI in my test project. I've the following module that's installed in SingletonComponent which in terms of Android is applicationComponen

Manifest merger failed with multiple errors Android studio React native

Hi i am a new reactnative developer and i cant start my new poject in android sttudio i get always the same error here are some pictures. This is mine AndroidM

Kotlin Bundle send null values

I try to send values of my data from one fragment which is contains Instruments to HolderList which is contain Holder data for comparing values in ArrayList of

PNG Image which received from c++ server, crashes on java android client

I'm developing android marine navigation client. The client should receive nautical chart images from c++ server. I'm sending data via socket. (from c++: Client

Fastcv with Android Studio

We are compiling fastcv sample application in android. I have installed JDK7.0, NDK>16.I have copied libfastcv.a into NDK root(eg sdk/ndk/<NDK_VERSION>

Importing CoAP.NET in Unity

I've made a simpre CoAP server in Java, and now I need need to make a client in my android AR app made in Unity with ARFoundation. I've added the ddl files of C

What is the difference between "remember" and "mutableState" in android jetpack compose?

I'm new in jetpack compose and trying to understand the difference between remember and mutableStateOf In other words the deference between this line val text