Category "android"

How to run migrations on Android Studio?

Sometimes I see a pop-up, that I can migrate to a newer kotlin version or something but I recently accidentally closed it and after restarting Android Studio it

Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDKFailed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK

I'm new to mobile development. And while I was developing my app, I got the following error: Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK A valid Facebook app id

Android WorkManager fork single into multiple chains and join

I want to set up the following work using WorkManager: A | v ----- | | v | B v | D v | C | | | ----- | v E So

How to call an activity method from a fragment?

I need to call a method that is in an activity from a fragment , i can't even instatiate the activity in the fragment , I don't know how to approach this proble

Android deep links not working due to supported web addresses being disabled by default

My app used to work fine with deep links, I haven't changed anything in the app but what has seemed to change is that when freshly installing the app, in the ap

How to call an activity method from a fragment?

I need to call a method that is in an activity from a fragment , i can't even instatiate the activity in the fragment , I don't know how to approach this proble

Firebase unable to process request due to missing initial state

I am trying to use phone auth from firebase and I get this error now. Unable to process request due to missing initial state. This may happen if browser session

infinite scrolling from flutter application that fetch data from wordpress rest api based on categories fetch data not according to their category

infinite scrolling from flutter application that fetches data from WordPress rest API based on categories... I tried to fetch data based on categories but it di

Pdf file is not able to load in android webview but able to load in external browser

I have the webpage created with angular js file. There are pdf files inside the webpage we want to download and show. when clicking the pdf file, it just show l

This folder configuration ('v26') is unnecessary; 'minSdkVersion' is 26. Merge all the resources in this folder into 'mipmap-anydpi'

I'm getting this message in the Code Analysis after setting my Min SDK to 26. This folder configuration ('v26') is unnecessary; 'minSdkVersion' is 26. Merge al

App crashes using the new Android 12 Splash Screen API

I'm trying to use the new Android 12 Splash Screen API but my app keeps crashing when opening the first activity. I have MainActivity as my launcher activity wi

How to detect what the content on the display is?

I have an app that rotates other apps. It uses an accessibility service so I have the ability to retrieve screen content. Say I'm rotating a game called Geometr

How to safely (lifecycle aware) .collectAsState() a StateFlow?

I'm trying to follow the official guidelines to migrate from LiveData to Flow/StateFlow with Compose, as per these articles: A safer way to collect flows from A

Back click listener for Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment)

Is there a way to capture the back button click listener from Google Places Address Search (AutocompleteSupportFragment) val btnBackClick = autoc

Can't get different state background for MaterialButtonToggleGroup

I'm using Material 3 ButtonToggleGroup, I want to have a different background when a button is selected. However, If I don't add any attributes to my style appl

Android Emulator closes itself

Month or couple ago my emulator started to get close (maybe crash?) every time I press ctrl button on keyboard or when I click emulator's rightside buttons (tak

How to make button Change image src when hover on it on android studio

Hey there i want to make a button change his own background image when i just touch it and in the second i let go it will change back to the original image like

in kotlin app, message listview not displaying emoji view

i have got emoji view in logcat of android studio. but not getting that emoji view in app. i have set emoji textview in layout but its not visible in listview.

Android compose need to place a constraintlayout on top of the UI

I am taking my first steps at jetpack Compose and currently i am developing a recyclerview-like list by using Card (and other compoenent layouts). For my applic

Error inflating class

What i'm trying to achieve is having a gridview with some materialButton inside. I tried to create the gridview like : <GridView android:id="@+id