Category "flutter"

After reinstalling the app, firebase auth skips login

In my app, I'm using phone auth and we are observing this on Android, after logged in, if I uninstall the app and reinstall it again, it's not asking me to logi

Flutter OS Error: File exists, errno = 17

MY ERROR - Unhandled Exception: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Music/a.png' (OS Error: File exists, errno = 17)

Flutter / webview_flutter too big to fit screen

I am running flutter 1.17.1, using webview_flutter: ^0.3.21 dependencies added to pubspec.yaml and added this to the end of info.plist <key>io.flutter.em

Generating aes cbc key from password and iv in dart

anyone havean idea how can i generate a key for aes encryption in dart from iv and password? like this code written in C#: var spec = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(En

Flutter DraggableScrollableSheet extent control

I am trying to implement a DraggableScrollableSheet that expands to maxChildSize when I perform a drag up action and collapses to minChildSize when I perform a

Possible to insert values into stream asynchronously in dart?

I have a function which downloads the RSS Feed and parses it. After that, I iterate through each team and do some processing on it. For now, this processing is

How to position widget inside Stack relative to center?

Stack( children: [ Positioned( left: ??? + 20, child: Text('This text is 20 pixel left to the center of the stack'), ), ], ),

Flutter Print To Zebra Thermal Printer -Bluetooth

has anyone tried to print to zebra bluetooth printer in Flutter usually when we did it in native we send ZPL is there a way to send it in flutter i have searche

Flutter _ How to fix display error of this keyboard

After I clicked on the line to edit the text, my keyboard appeared too high, making the interface look like it was corrupted.

How to get gradient bottom navigation tab in flutter?

There is a package on pub but this is not updated for a very long time. So, is there a way to create ow

Flutter Desktop click through window

I'm building a transparent app using Flutter Desktop for Linux, is there a way to click through the main app window, still showing the app? I'm trying to write

Flutter Form Builder - FormBuilderDropdown does not display correct value on screen

I am creating a form with the plugin flutter_form_builder ( When I use FormBuilderDropdown, you can selected a di

Flutter convert package or dart:convert

I am following a Flutter tutorial. JSON is converted using the dart convert library: import 'dart:convert'; However, I see that a flutter package is available

Flutter assets_audio_player

i have a problem with this package (, only and only on iOS after having lowered the volume of a song it does not ra

Access changed Slider value from another class in Flutter

I have a class that has a slider.adaptive in it and the whole layout with it. In my main class I call that slider class and declare values for the layout(title

The element type 'VxAnimatedBox' can't be assigned to the list type 'Widget'

Here I'm trying to use VxAnimatedbox under scaffold but it's showing error class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> { @override Widget build(Build

Undefined Name | Error in TextEditingController (''Flutter/Dart)

I have Error in "controller" it says undefined name 'profileNameTextEditingController' language: Flutter/dart My Activity : Activity line 1-29Error

Flutter Dismiss Alert Dialog Navigation Issue

I am currently trying to navigate back to the existing screen from an opened alert dialog box. When I try to do so using this code: onPressed: () => Na

can I use the HTML widget to parse a google maps embed?

I am trying to put a google map in my application using flutter so I tried to use the HTML widget to parse an iframe that holds the embed link from google maps

How use Streambuilder in flutter for Hasuragraphql?

Subscription( options: SubscriptionOptions(document: gql(mySubcription)), builder: (result) { // if (result.hasException) { // return Text(