In my app, I'm using phone auth and we are observing this on Android, after logged in, if I uninstall the app and reinstall it again, it's not asking me to logi
MY ERROR - Unhandled Exception: FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = '/storage/emulated/0/Download/Music/a.png' (OS Error: File exists, errno = 17)
I am running flutter 1.17.1, using webview_flutter: ^0.3.21 dependencies added to pubspec.yaml and added this to the end of info.plist <key>io.flutter.em
anyone havean idea how can i generate a key for aes encryption in dart from iv and password? like this code written in C#: var spec = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(En
I am trying to implement a DraggableScrollableSheet that expands to maxChildSize when I perform a drag up action and collapses to minChildSize when I perform a
I have a function which downloads the RSS Feed and parses it. After that, I iterate through each team and do some processing on it. For now, this processing is
Stack( children: [ Positioned( left: ??? + 20, child: Text('This text is 20 pixel left to the center of the stack'), ), ], ),
has anyone tried to print to zebra bluetooth printer in Flutter usually when we did it in native we send ZPL is there a way to send it in flutter i have searche
After I clicked on the line to edit the text, my keyboard appeared too high, making the interface look like it was corrupted.
There is a package on pub but this is not updated for a very long time. So, is there a way to create ow
I'm building a transparent app using Flutter Desktop for Linux, is there a way to click through the main app window, still showing the app? I'm trying to write
I am creating a form with the plugin flutter_form_builder ( When I use FormBuilderDropdown, you can selected a di
I am following a Flutter tutorial. JSON is converted using the dart convert library: import 'dart:convert'; However, I see that a flutter package is available
i have a problem with this package (, only and only on iOS after having lowered the volume of a song it does not ra
I have a class that has a slider.adaptive in it and the whole layout with it. In my main class I call that slider class and declare values for the layout(title
Here I'm trying to use VxAnimatedbox under scaffold but it's showing error class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> { @override Widget build(Build
I have Error in "controller" it says undefined name 'profileNameTextEditingController' language: Flutter/dart My Activity : Activity line 1-29Error
I am currently trying to navigate back to the existing screen from an opened alert dialog box. When I try to do so using this code: onPressed: () => Na
I am trying to put a google map in my application using flutter so I tried to use the HTML widget to parse an iframe that holds the embed link from google maps
Subscription( options: SubscriptionOptions(document: gql(mySubcription)), builder: (result) { // if (result.hasException) { // return Text(