Category "akka"

No endpoint could be found for: test, please check your classpath contains the needed Camel component jar

I am trying to send and receive messages using akka-camel and created a sample example for producer and consumer like below : Producer: import{Act

Is it possible to prioritize (give a priority) to specific Akka's Actor?

I've made my research about Akka Framework, And I would like to know ; Is it possible to give a priority to a specific actor? I mean - actors are working while restart actor system termination on node quarentined

We are developing a cluster with v1.4.38 on we have seed nodes that communicate with a external system using Akka.IO.TCP, and multiple client nodes tha

Akka: persist to Cassandra and publish to Kafka multiple events

I need to store to Cassandra and publish to Kafka multiple events, and call some final handler() only after all events are stored and published. I came across U

How to create an actor in Akka cluster dynamically

How can i create an actor in akka cluster Sharding dynamically with Cluster Client which will pass message from out side the cluster with akka remoting.

Akka Finite State Machine and how to protocol Behaviors.unhandled?

I have a question about Behaviors.unhandled, I know that Akka sends the unhandled message to the Dead Letter and with the following configuration it also logs i

Handling Events from a Service running in a Task in an AKKA.NET actor

I'm using the Prism framework for my WPF application. I have a producer service that runs in a Task and raises a CompositePresentationEvent when a file is found

Consume TCP stream and redirect it to another Sink (with Akka Streams)

I try to redirect/forward a TCP stream to another Sink with Akka 2.4.3. The program should open a server socket, listen for incoming connections and then consum