Category "javascript"

Suprisingly can't find a solution to this. react-csv automatically download to server instead of user choice

so I'm generating an invoice, and am using the react-csv package to covert my graphql data into a csv file. problem is I don't want the user to select a locatio

Hide nested properties in loopback model

I am creating a loopback model (model1) which refers to another model and want to hide some properties of the nested model (model2). Also, I just want them to b

How to create a random ground in matter.js

I am creating the ground of a game using a Perlin noise function. This gives me an array of vertices. I then add a vertex at the front that is {x:0 y: WORLD_HEI

Why are the "date" and "time" entries not displayed correctly in Google Chrome Mobile?

I have a small scheduling system that I developed (Look here). The "date" and "time" entries are showing normally in most desktop and mobile browsers: But for

My markers are not displayed React leaflet

the goal is to displayed marker on map. I don't understand why my markers are not displayed I use react-leaflet The response is okay but nothing is displayed th

Bootstrap-ui Modal is coming up blank when set inside angular-gantt

I am having difficulties trying to get my modal to come up. I am not sure if it is because modal is not compatible with angular-gantt or if I have the code wron

Cannot install node-sass on windows

Im trying to install node-sass. I have both python 3 and 2.7 installed along with the visual studio build tools yet node gyp still fails. Trying to uninstall an

How to upload contentBytes chunk by chunk on Graph url return by createUploadSession graph API?

As per microsoft graph API documentation the createUploadSession graph API only return the URL where attachment can upload but how to upload attachment chunk by

Phaser JS 3: how to debug game performance

So, I'm working on a project, attempting to learn Phaser as a ruby dev (JS isn't my most confident programming language). Having run my game on a lower-spec la

Delete a word from a string which contains hashtags

I have already done a lot of "filtering" with regexp to remove unwanted characters from a string, this is what i am using: var regexpHashtag = new RegExp(/(?:^|

React Native - TypeError: n.createContext is not a function. (In 'n.createContext(o.default)', 'n.createContext' is undefined)

I'm trying to implement React Native into an existing Android application. I follow the steps in the official documentation and I have ended with the following

My pages in PBI report is opening on new tab when clicked but I want to restrict this behavior

I have created my application in REACT.js and I have embeded my PBI reports into my application. Whenever I am clicking on the button in my PBI report, I am be

In chrome website rendering in iframe with different domain is unable to set and get cookies

Website is rendering in iframe. When running website alone, everything is working fine. But when running, website is unable to set

How to save activities for user HTML/JavaScript/jQuery

I made favorite buttons and if user clicks on it, it will save specific favorited item to a different page with LocalStorage. Code works perfectly but now I wan

How Can I make onclick event on a li with pseudo-element ::before

I have created a Timeline using and elements. The result looks like that: I need to click on the second circle and automatically the line that is between f

mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() returns empty deviceId even after getting permissions

The problem I have has been discussed in several questions on this site: When I call mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(), the field deviceId is empty. The best ques

how to increment the url onclick of button next

I have url for page 1 as on click of button next i need the url updated for page 2 as

How to change color of a select on keypress

I am trying to create a form. I am using a <datalist> tag as well as an <input> tag, so that a user can also type an option or just select an option

Non editable content allowed to delete. How to restrict this?

We have used the TinyMCE editor with "non editable" plugin. we tried to delete the non editable content, it is deleted. How to restrict the delete(delete/backsp

Sort array of objects by string property value

I have an array of JavaScript objects: var objs = [ { first_nom: 'Lazslo', last_nom: 'Jamf' }, { first_nom: 'Pig', last_nom: 'Bodine' },