Category "javascript"

Warning: Function components cannot be given refs

I'm using Next.js latest version for making my blog website, don't know why show me error, when I'm trying to make my form then show me error like this: Warning

Cannot find module '/home/container/node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/napi-v3-linux-x64/node_sqlite3.node'

Everything's running perfectly throught cmd on my pc but when i host it on my host servers i have this error: `:/home/container$ npm start knexfile.js Starting

What are valid codec strings to be used in the web codecs API?

I want to know exactly which strings I can pass as codec to VideoEncoder.isConfigSupported({ codec, width, height }) but so far I have not found a definite answ

In VF page popup modal should open first then content of vf page

I have one VF page. I want user should able to access that vf page after entering password in modal that open first when VF page loads. But currently when VF pa

Could not invoke StripeSdk.initialise

Problem Image I'm not able to start Stripe in react native using expo const [prepared, setPrepared] = useState(false); const [isAvaliable, setAvaliable] = useSt

How to append "delete button" to EVERY list item that is newly created in JS?

Shopping List exercise using JS DOM. My full code: I have to add a new "Delete" button to every newly created

How To Pass Props To Function Component use react-router-dom v6

I want to pass props into a function from the route, my code currently looks like this Route <Route path="/person" render={(params) => <ProductDetails

Using IFrame to check if a NVR is online or not

I have a group of around 10 NVRs that I would like to be able to display on one page whether they are online or not. Currently I do this with a HTML page contai

Find and redirect to appropriate email client based on email address

I want to add a confirm email address link similar to what trello does. Based on which email client you use I want to redirect user to appropriate url. For exam

Editorjs custom block renders twice on click when made as default block in react project

I followed this tutorial to integrate editorjs in react and create a custom editorjs plugin. This tutorial works fine to create a custom block but I wanted to m

passing props as classNames in next.js

I am trying to have the header of each of my app's pages change color based on the current page. How I am trying to achieve this: <Header className="headerBi

Jest Runner won't allow me to debug tests just skips test each time

skipped test When pressing debug on the test it just skips it. It works for other tests in different repositories that I have, but for this specific one it does

How can I fill my array in JavaScript depending on user input?

How can I fill my array depending on user input instead of changing this array manualy in JavaScript? How can I link my form in HTML to my javaScript ? let mov

Why does frame selection breaks after page reloads?

I am trying to inspect a page with playwright that holds a frame document that when I click a button a banner will appear for a couple of minutes. When it's don

webpack dev server only reloads once

Ok so now i have read a lot of different issues on stackoverflow without any luck, they seem all to go to an older version of webpack-dev-server. I have tried a

Cells loosing added classes after sorting in Vanilla DataTables

I am using vanilla datatables ( and have an issue when ordering the rows. When i click the order header all my

Tailwind height transition not working on h-min, h-fit, h-max, and h-auto

So I like to make transition whenever the element change it's height. It works on h-10, h-20, etc. But it doesnt work on h-min, h-max, h-auto. ‎‎‎&l

NodeJS - TypeError: Busboy is not a constructor

So, something happened a couple of days ago and a project of mine started showing the following error: TypeError: Busboy is not a constructor at /app/node_modul

IntersectionObserver does not work on small screens for long sections JS

This script issues the active class for the active section. Recently noticed that it stops working on small screens. Even in the developer's console in chrome,

Generate array with values A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3... etc?

I'm trying to generate an array of objects where it outputs an array looking like this: [ { _id: 2, label: 'A1' }, { _id: 3,