Category "python-3.x"

'Access is denied' to Python 3.8 for PyCharm on Windows 10

Attempting to create a new project in PyCharm Community on Windows 10. Here are the settings for new project in PyCharm: I'm greeted with the error msg: Cannot

problems with """input().split() in loop""" in python

n, m, k, r = tuple([int(i) for i in input().split()]) roads = [] for road in range(m): t = tuple(list(map(int, input().split()))) roads.append(t) pri

FastText 0.9.2 - why is recall 'nan'?

I trained a supervised model in FastText using the Python interface and I'm getting weird results for precision and recall. First, I trained a model: model = fa

How to analyze/retrieve link details?

I'm trying to retrieve the URL details after I enter it. When I go to this URL it is going to be reversed into this https:/

How keep tracking the external program opened in python?

I want open a program (ex: calculator) and keep tracking his process as the pid, name, etc. But, after calling the subprocess.Popen(), the process id is killed

Variable not being assigned and called correctly

I am trying to get a picture from my files to print after the user input a number for PokeID in the interactive manual. But when the number is entered it does n

`pyusb` fails to find `libusb` when using `pyinstaller`

Problem My application works well when in python-only and on my machine. I am attempting to deploy to a machine which has lesser privileges. The basic script t

Django model default value in response

I want to have a default value in my django model response value Sample model query myModel.objects.filter().values("username", "user_gender") I want to have a

How to get the values of dictionary python?

I have the below python dictionary stored as dictPython { "paging": {"count": 10, "start": 0, "links": []}, "elements": [ { "organiz

The contour detected using opencv to dxf

I used opencv to detect contours in Python. I wrote the code for saving this contour as a dxf file as below through a search. cap = EasyPySpin.VideoCapture(0)

Move files to a network folder

Could you tell me please, how to correctly specify the path to the network folder from the Linux operating system in the code? The network folder is accessible

How do I update value in a nested dictionary given a path

I have a nested dictionary nested_dictionary = { "a": { "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3 }, "b": { "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": {"x": 10, "xi": 11, "xii": 13}} } I a

Chrome Devtools Network Selenium python

I am making a code with Selenium in Python and collecting data on a website, and I have noticed that in Chrome's Devtools specifically in the "Network" section

Azure pipeline can't find the user created python module

I am attempting to run tests from a python module using Azure DevOps. I've got a pipeline build set up to build of a yml file and also using classic editor. I'm

How to convert symmetric matrix to adjacency table

How could I convert symmetric matrix: A B C D A 1 2 3 4 B 2 1 2 3 C 3 2 1 2 D 4 3 2 1 into adjacency matrix?: A A 1 A B 2 A C 3 A D 4 B A 3 B B 1 B C 2 B D

Write data in unknown encoding

Is it possible write data to a file in an unknown encoding? I cannot decode email headers, for example message-id, because if I use handler ignore or a replace

Why Python String auto convert into Date in microsoft excel

I am writing data into a CSV file. file contains data related to student marks like 6/10, which means 6 out of 10. here the issue is when I open this file with

Type object 'By' has no attribute 'Link_text'

Get tired to guess proper syntax. Please, help me out with my problem! Writing code in Python3. My code: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.

Pagination not working in Python Session.put()

I am trying to upload a file to a website (that has an inbuilt API) using the following code. The code reads a list of medical codes/diagnoses codes etc. (1 col

starting celery worker from python script results in error - "click.exceptions.UsageError: No such command" using celery==5.1.2

Directory structure: Here is my cw_manage_integration/psa_integration/api_service/sync_config/ from celery import Celery from kombu import Queue from