Category "ios"

Could not build the application for the simulator. Error launching application on iPhone 11 Pro Max

My problem is I cannot start debugging on iOS simulator for some reason. I have tried several solutions it helped in their ways I guess but the problem is not g

New RN project in M1 mbp built failed. "Could not find node. Make sure it is in bash PATH or set the NODE_BINARY environment variable."

System: OS: macOS 11.3 CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Memory: 124.86 MB / 16.00 GB Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh Binaries: Node: 16.0.0 - /opt/homebrew/b

SocketException (SocketException: Failed host lookup: 'test' (OS Error: nodename nor servname provided, or not known, errno = 8))

I've looked elsewhere and every site keeps telling me this is effectively an internet connectivity error... But I know that can't be correct. I'm using Flutte

prefersStatusBarHidden issue in iOS 13

Hi everyone I'm trying to hide my statusBar in a View Controller but it doesn't seem to work .. I used the function: override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool

SwiftUI: observe @Environment property changes

I was trying to use the SwiftUI @Environment property wrapper, but I can't manage to make it work as I expected. Please, help me understanding what I'm doing wr

UISearchBar warning: UITextEffectsWindow should not become key. Please file a bug to Keyboard | iOS with this call stack

I have a UISearchBar in a view which I am presenting using: view.addSubview(searchView) searchView.mySearchBar.becomeFirstResponder() This works fine in most c

Why is my HLS stream infinitely loading on iOS 15 safari but works fine on iOS 14?

So I have a small website that shows different streams from web cameras around the city. (ex: The stream ca

SwiftUI: how to detect when List is scrolled? [closed]

I have a view with a search bar at the top and a SwiftUI List below. I need to detect when the List is scrolled so I can dismiss the search ba

In flutter, which is more secure using platform functions/ dependency or dart dependency?

Im building a mobile application with flutter which the security is the highest priority so what is more secure to use native code (functions/ dependency ) or u

Metal kernel function not found

I am trying to use Metal Performance Shaders with Core Image. Unfortunately, the filter code is in Objective C and I am using the bridge to make it work with th

Flutter app stuck on Installing and Launching step for physical iPhone

Annoying problem here for my Flutter app: iOS13.3, Xcode11.3 on a physical iPhoneX. The iOS-Simulators all work. The problem is only happening on a physical dev

@supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none) not working in iOS 15 Safari

I'm trying to target iOS devices with CSS. The general advice is to use: @supports (-webkit-touch-callout: none) { ... } However, this does not seem to wor

Swift 5 UIButton title didn't change

I just learned Swift and developed an iOS project. But the button title doesn't change when I click it. How can I change the title? Simulator: iPhone 11 iOS14.4

SwiftUI - How to pass EnvironmentObject into View Model?

I'm looking to create an EnvironmentObject that can be accessed by the View Model (not just the view). The Environment object tracks the application session da

error running pod install error launching application on iphone11 Pro Max

I finished my flutter app, and i want to test it in ios device, so i used a mac laptop and i did all the installations but when i did the command "flutter run"

Open link in safari instead of the native app

I am trying to open a link when a user clicks a button, using on button click. Currently this works as expected in Android browsers, but on IOS it

Swiftui - How do I initialize an observedObject using an environmentobject as a parameter?

I'm not sure if this is an antipattern in this brave new SwiftUI world we live in, but essentially I have an @EnvironmentObject with some basic user information

Mimic the iOS Photos APP browsing behavior with SwiftUI

I am new to SwiftUI (iOS development). I would like to mimic the iOS Photos APP browsing behavior with SwiftUI. More specifically, I want to display a photo in

Can I change the Weekday format to be like (Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa) in FSCalendar

I want to change the current week title to two letters, eg: sun to su, mon to mo, in FSCalendar.

Add dependency on a local swift package in Xcode 11

I am trying to add a dependency on a local swift package in my Xcode project. (I don't want to add a dependency using a file url file://me/dev/app/package as th