Category "ios"

xcodebuild gives an error for multiple implementation of AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate and AMSupportURLSession : "Which one is undefined."

When I want to run any xcodebuild action it gives me the following error while the Xcode ide is working fine on Apple M1. > xcodebuild -version objc[72320]:

Get the devices list from iPhone Bluetooth , including connected and unconnected devices

The Bluetooth search page of iPhone shows these offline Bluetooth headsets. I hope to get this list and show it in my app. Can I realize this function? How? th

How do I center an Image view in pdf format with SwiftUI?

I have a vector (converted to Pdf) that I want to use as my background for my app. However, the Image is aligned all the way to the left as you'd expect when us

Unable to Update XCode: Not enough space [duplicate]

I am trying to update XCode from 11.2.1 to 12.4. I installed XCode from the app-store, so I am trying to update it from there itself. I have 2

SwiftUI DatePicker jumps between short and medium date formats when changing the date

(Using Xcode 12.3 and iOS 14.3) I use a DatePicker component with the default style (DefaultDatePickerStyle) to display and edit a date: the component shows the

Swift // MLDataTable error: Couldn't lookup symbols:

import Cocoa import CreateML let data = try MLDataTable(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/allan/Downloads/twitter-sanders-apple3.csv")) I got this erro

Flutter iOS version app crashed due to consuming high memory

I have developed a flutter app using the Bloc pattern. Everything was fine until we encountered a memory crash in iOS. The Android version works well without an

Why primitive View in SwiftUI has no body?

The View protocol requires a body property: public protocol View { associatedtype Body : View @ViewBuilder var body: Self.Body { get } } Why have some

How to load raw image using PHPicker in iOS programmatically?

I can load normal images: public.image types. The Apple proRaw(adobe raw image type: DNG format) can be used in iPhone 12 series. So, I captured with RAW image

Can't deploy Xamarin app to IOS device (Provisioning Profile: Missing Private Key)

I've paired to my Mac with Xcode version 13.3 I've renewed my Apple Development Membership (Individual) and got a < new Team ID >. In Visual Studio 2022 (

How to make a button (or any other element) show SwiftUI's DatePicker popup on tap?

I'm trying to achieve the simplest possible use case, but I can't figure it out. I have a picture of calendar. All I want is to show DatePicker popup when tappi

Link to fat Static Library inside Swift Package

I’m trying to build a Swift Package that wraps a fat static library written in C: libndi_advanced_ios.a from NewTek's Apple Advanced NDI SDK. I am having

Timer is not worked in background flutter

This code is not printed, when app go to background in iOS. Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (timer) { print('timer'); } I need to save state to database a

How Do You AB Test Your iOS App Icon on App Store Connect?

According to the docs you should be able to AB Test app icons now on iOS. However, I can't figure out how to do it. Here, it says you need to include an asset c

Ionic Capacitor (Angular) blank page ios when building from XCode

I'm building an app with Ionic 6 + capacitor. It works fine when testing on the browser and the Android build. However, when I try to build it using XCode it ju

iOS Deep Link from Widget when App closed?

My widget has several links that the user can click, the link are set up as follows: Link(destination: URL(string: "widget://start")!) Now I am able to detect

window.webkit.messageHandlers is null on ios 15

window.webkit.messageHandlers gives null on ios 15, but when I set config.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains = true; it works properly. But I don't want to res

SwiftUI - MapAnnotation is showing up in wrong position

I am trying to display multiple map annotations to Apple Maps In SwiftUI, but the annotations are showing in some wrong perspective. All positions are displayed

Swift Mjpeg Streaming Only Showing Single Frame

I am trying to create a Mjepg stream. I have followed a tutorial and it's not a lot of code to get a stream to lead but I don't understand why it's not working

React native - Which is the best way to compress video before upload to server?

We are using ffmpeg library ( but with large videos this task is taking too long time, up to 4 minutes or more