Category "css"

Issue with CSS file in Django

Trying to load a css file into my base.html file. When I load the webpage, it is not updating the webpage with the css styling I loaded. Everything is running a

Did not parse stylesheet at 'ionic://localhost/styles.css' because non CSS MIME types are not allowed in strict mode

I'm working on a cross-platform mobile app and using ionic and angular frameworks. My app is running fine on iOS simulators and devices. recently I bought a new

CSS selector attributes does not work when adding style to component

I am having this React component: import * as React from "react"; import styles from "./style.module.css"; export interface IMenuButtonProps { name: string;

How to set Bulma level breakpoint to a larger value

I am using the Bulma CSS framework in a Vue app. I am using the level component to display a set of items in a horizontal chain. The level is automatically stac

How can I keep an absolute div from disappearing when the parent collapse is collapsed? (Material-UI)

I have a Collapse element with a button that is absolutely positioned outside of the collapse. Basically, the collapse sits off to the right of the screen, with

Build rows before columns with grid

I have a grid with a variable number of elements, but it should always have 3 columns: <div class="grid grid-cols-3"> <span>1</span> <s

How to animate a svg path such that another different colored path slowly starts filling it?

I have an SVG that kind of looks like a race track encoded in the form of a <path> element. What i want is to animate another path with a different color

How to force a page-break on weasyprint?

I wonder if its possible to create a force break that splits the table rows? I think weasyprint does this in a sense but I want to break the rows in to specific

jquery 3.6.0 animate width to specific size not working

I have this jsfiddle: $('.btn').click(function() { if ($('nav').hasClass('open')) { $('nav').removeClass('open'); $('.hide').animate({ width: '5

Valid CSS alternative to scroll-snap-points

Since the CSS properties scroll-snap-points-x and scroll-snap-points-y are deprecated, I was wondering if there still is a non-js solution for scroll snapping t

How do you read CSS rule values with JavaScript?

I would like to return a string with all of the contents of a CSS rule, like the format you'd see in an inline style. I'd like to be able to do this without kno

How to autoplay YouTube video with sound enabled using YouTube IFrame Api

The title says it all: How to autoplay YouTube video with sound enabled using YouTube IFrame Api How can I do this with the YouTube IFrame Api?

Bar Between two points in a container

I have a container (CardContainer) that has a few child elements (snippet below) and I would like to build a bar that I can fill in between the two points (the

Make screenshot fit window size (full-screen)

I'm using react-webcam to take a photo (screenshot) and set that screenshot to the size of the window. With the code posted below, I'm able to make the screensh

Is it possible to use CSS drop caps with shape-outside?

I'm trying to add a drop cap (currently just using float:left) to a paragraph of text that is wrapped into to a 100% width div with a shape-outside: polygon. Bu

enable zoom out on certain elemen

I have a responsive design with following meta viewport <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" /> now on m

Material UI 5 class name styles

I migrated from Mui 4 to 5 and wonder how to use class names. If I want to apply certain styles to just one component there is the SX property. However, I'm str

Why f.submit is not working when I try to use it?

I created a form to my User database change his password, as it follows : <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: password_path(resource_name), html:

How to remove padding from font library svg files

I am using Flaticon font library, which is really useful, since you can include svg images via the i tag and change their color and size via css. Flaticon Font

the for loop exit after it has been executed one time

the for loop in the following code exit after removing one class and doesn't remove the other one unless I click the button again I want to remove the class hid