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CertEnrol import pfx The password you entered is incorrect

I'm created pfx certificate using by certEntroll when I imported on windows 10 it's imported successfuly but when i tried on windwos 7 i got an error "The passw

Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Windows 64-bit with Unsupported runtime (88)

I have tried to install gulp-sass latest version with npm i gulp-sass --save-dev in the begining I got a lot of errors but later solved them. But whenever I tr

How to create and call on a Python Class to calculate Kelly Criterion formula for sports betting?

I am trying to create a Python Class to calculate the Kelly Criterion formula in order to determine the precise bet size for an individual sport's investment. I

Laravel Blade component method not rendering in cpanel-server but work in my localhost

I have a component RemoveBook in app/View/Components/RemoveBook and the blade component in resources/views/components/sections/parts/remove-book.blade.php. all

Android studio - Generate signed APKs broke

I just updated my Android studio to the version 2021.1.1 Canary 12. After struggling to make it work, I had to also upgrade my Gradle and Gradle plugin to 7.0.2

HttpClient Modifies BaseAddress in Some Cases [duplicate]

On a basic level, I should be able to set an absolute BaseAddress on HttpClient and then send Http requests with a relative Uri. The expectati

What does it take for pacman to function correctly?

I'm experiencing 2 problems: the "you win" screen does not show up the pacman has a trail. IDEAL p286 MODEL small STACK 100h DATASEG pacman db " _ __ _

Powershell taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe /T without killing the developer version with the same .exe name?

I've got a macro looping with powershell and at the end of a run to clean up it kills and restarts the browser, Standard FireFox version firefox.exe Using: task

Odoo : How to clear a many2many field when a many2one field change?

Im new to odoo. Im using odoo 13 and I have a many2one field and a many2many field with domain on the many2one field. What I need is that if the user changes th

How to run a fully functional batch file from a python script?

I look after a Lab with a number of Rigs in it and I am developing an automated process for running experiments. The trigger for loading the experiments is to u

Why do i keep getting undefined when accessing a inherited property? [duplicate]

I'm trying to use prototypal inheritance and its not working, everytime i try i keep getting undefined: function HospitalEmployee(name) { th

ASP.NET Core Web API CORS error on Firefox but okay on Chrome

I have a React and ASP.NET Core 2.2 SPA that has a CORS issue with Firefox but is okay in Chrome and Edge. I've created a little test rig that consists of the A

How to make Intel GPU available for processing through pytorch?

I'm using a laptop which has Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520. Does anyone know how to it set up for Deep Learning, specifically Pytorch? I have seen if you ha

How can I use a SystemAssigned identity when pulling an image from Azure Container Registry into Azure Container Instances?

I want to create a container (or container group) in Azure Container Instances, pulling the image(s) from Azure Container Registry - but with using a SystemAssi

Python - applying tupple to a function in functional toolz.pipe

I want to use a function which accepts some arguments in a toolz.pipe, but data input is a tuple. I know how to solve it, but I think there must be some solutio

Strange warning when calling sprintf with .* width specifier

For the following code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { char temp_buffer[8]; double val = 25.3; sprint

Sending json through api post request

I'm currently struggling to send a JSON via post request into my controller to use it further by calling a stored procedure. Here is the post request using axio

How to fix? "kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"

I want to copy data with scp in GitLab pipeline using PRIVATE_KEY error is : kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer Connection reset by x.x

error in implementing search feature in Listview builder

I'm trying to implement search functionality in the list view builder But I don't have an idea to implement it. this is model class class Contacts { String? i

SwiftUI Double Backslash in Text without Raw Strings

In SwiftUI how can i make Text to show Double Backslashes? Escaping does not seem to help Text("Hello \\\\") // renders to: Hello \ Expected Output: Hello \\ R

Unable to set property 'wrap' of undefined or null reference

I'm building a bundle with webpack + babel for browser, targeting it to ES5. When I try to use it, an error Unable to set property 'wrap' of undefined or null r

How do I know if a Coroutine is still "waiting"? [closed]

All I can find online is "How to check if a coroutine is running", which is not what I want. Say if I have a coroutine with yield return new W

Chrome: HTML date input produces strange comma

Whenever I use "input with type="date"" in Chrome, there is a strange comma on the left of the date input. There is no such comma in Firefox and I cannot find a

ifelse is giving me NAs when I want 0s

I am trying to create a variable using ifelse, and would like the column to be 0 when the condition is not true, but they are showing up as NA. Any tips? df$z &

Emacs lisp, How to make a newline in IELM?

Even the basic things seem to be hidden behind weird shortcut-combinations. How can I (hopefully without too many c-m-x-c combinations) create a simple new line

Get list of all loaded python packages & versions, and variables

I'm coming from an R background where it was quite easy to figure out for me all of the loaded packages that I was using. I could look to my rstudio tab 'packa

Gstreamer: Is there plugin to increase audio volume of an audio source

As above. Want to artificially increase the loudness of a microphone recording of live scene. Have used the following plugins volume pulsesrc volume=8.0 \

Delphi: extract value from string with multiple separators and delimiters

I have a string like this: ;EncoderMin:250;EncoderMax:5755;MinPixel:-240;MaxPixel:980; Given a function that returns a variant type and accepts as parameters

par('usr') equivalent command for grid?

When grid package is used to plot a figure, I want to find out something similar to par('usr') as in base R graphics. What command can do it? https://r-graph-ga

Functions and Strings in JavaScript

I'm just starting programming, I have this issue and I can't finish it. where to use startsWith inside the function? function werewolfCheck(name) { if (na