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Can you do countif in aws quicksight with partial text?

I am trying to make a calculated field in AWS Quicksight for leads that have closed. However there are multiple closed statuses in use. I am trying to use disti

Git bash will not resolve "sam" command

I am using Win10 latest. After installing AWS-SAM-CLI and testing the installation with: sam --version I get the message bash: sam: command not found however

How to apply Scroll controller for multiple SilverList or ListView items?

I have found the internet a way to hide arrow when scrolling horizontally through FlutterLogo with CustomSrollView. The functionality works and i want to place

Jenkins Installation

When I run the wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo It said use --no-check-certificate and hence I did. On the next

Google Chome 99+ DevTools Source Tab not showing VUE file code in Webpack SRC folder

I am sorry if I did not phrase the title well because I am at a complete lost of what the technical terminology is and really how to search for an answer. This

ValueError: num must be 1 <= num <= 5, not 0 error

I am stuck with this code written in py2 on psychopy. I am not an expert with coding. I am trying to run the function "analyzeStaircases(stairs, stairInfo['Aver

How to register Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All for directory rule in nginx?

the config file in the Apache site has these lines: <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/html/public/ <

Handwritten digit recognition without deep learning techniques

I have a project to hand in which requires me to develop a program in python which would recognise handwritten numbers given in the form of image(i imagine the

How to read from YAML file in java?

I have YAML file like this.. Product: ProductA: Suite: SuiteName_A: Environment_1: ["A","B","C"] Environment_2: ["X","Y","Z"] SuiteName_B

How do parental control apps lock the screen?

I am developing an app that locks the screen for some time, just like parental control apps do when the screen time runs out. However, I do not really know how

Change UIScrollView's frame programatically (Swift 5)

How can I change the height of the frame based on the size of the subview programatically? scrollView.frame = CGRect(origin: scrollView.frame.origin, size: CGSi

What is a rank 1 array in Numpy

Consider the following vector: import numpy as np u = np.random.randn(5) print(u) [-0.30153275 -1.48236907 -1.09808763 -0.10543421 -1.49627068] When we print

Group list of objects into smallest possible number of sublists without exceeding maximum sum

I'm trying to write a method that groups objects into the minimum amount of sublists without mixing types (int field on object) or the sum of their values excee

Create a dictionary where the keys are values of dictionaries inside lists in a dictionary and the values are the number of times they appear

I have this dictionary of lists of dictionaries (I cannot change the structure for the work): dict_countries = {'gb': [{'datetime': '1955-10-10 17:00:00', 'city

How to run a jupyter notebook through a remote server on local machine?

I have a remote access to remote server from my university and I'm accessing it through my local machine! However, my local machine has not enough memory to run

Dropdown select multiple with HTMX

I am using Django and I am passing some values to via HTMX So Frist I have a dropdown list with multiple choices <select class="custom-select mb

How Can I log-in Amazon with Golang Colly

I am trying login to my amazon buyer account for getting tracking info. I made wordpress-woocommerce login and getting infos but I could not for Amazon. package

Upgrade Spring Web MVC 4.1.6.RELEASE to 5.2.21.RELEASE -> NoClassDefFoundError: .../web/servlet/mvc/annotation/AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter

I am upgrading my Spring project 4.1.6 to 5.2.21. But now when I run my Tomcat 8.5.65 I catch this message error: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCrea

Import phantom wallet private key into solana CLI

I need to use a Phantom Wallet through the Solana CLI, but I'm unable to configure it. For example, to check balance using solana balance --keypair fileexported

Committing .yarn directory to git when using yarn berry

In the next version of yarn ("berry") the manual states that one should just commit the directory created called .yarn, but if you use the multi-version setup f

Is it possible to load a Three.js Editor exported scene with React Three Fiber (r3f)

I was wondering some issue during r3f implementation of a scene made with Three.js Editor. There is any issue about loading of json from an exported file ? func

Why is the XOR swap optimized into a normal swap using the MOV instruction?

While testing things around Compiler Explorer, I tried out the following overflow-free function for calculating the average of 2 unsigned 32-bit integers: uint3

SQLite string search in rows then insert string into new rows with values of the same row last column

I want to provide a query to my database that will search if a string exists in Column2(site_id) then put that string in a new table with the value of its befor

$ operator is invalid for atomic vector

I'm using rugarch::ugarchforecast to do a 1 step ahead rolling forecast. I keep getting the error message $ operator is invalid for atomic vector, but I'm not u

How to resolve err code 403 Forbidden in npm install?

I'm trying to run npm install in a public repository. I’ve cloned it to my PC but it throws me this error. I’ve tried verifying my npm account, and

SwiftUI Dependency Injection

I have a SwiftUI app, its a tab based app struct Tab_View: View { var body: some View { TabView{ Main1_View().tabItem {

Discord bot won't join the music channel a user is in

I was trying a tutorial yesterday to make a personal music bot but the code to make the bot join a channel that the user is in upon using the "play" command isn

Argument of type '{ title: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RequiredEntityData<Post>'

I'm learning from Ben's Awad video: Fullstack React GraphQL TypeScript Tutorial. I ran into a problem with typescript. I don't understand why compiler thinks t

Thread safe random number generator in c

Does the c standard provide a thread safe random number generator where instead of using a global state the generator uses and modifies the provided state buffe

Unexpected Output error in array analyzer program

Currently I am trying to solve the following problem: Ratiorg got statues of different sizes as a present from CodeMaster for his birthday, each statue having a