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Could not build the application for the simulator. Error launching application on iPhone 11 Pro Max

My problem is I cannot start debugging on iOS simulator for some reason. I have tried several solutions it helped in their ways I guess but the problem is not g

Unzipped size must be smaller than 262144000 bytes - AWS Lambda Error

I have tried to upload my application using servless/lambda function AWS, but i got this issue: An error occurred: AppLambdaFunction - Unzipped size must be

can't install mediapipe? python 3.8

I have tried to use pip install mediapipe, and other similar methods of pip install to install mediapipe as i need it for one of my projects. I am stumped and d

Configure el-date-picker

Does someone know, how to configure a el-date-picker in element-plus to set the first day of week. The docs say it configurable via day.js but not to use config

Secure Cookies not working with hostname set in hosts file

I have cookies set as secure, but it's working as localhost. But with the domain name set in the hosts file, chrome is not sending the cookies to server resulte

How to deactivate unwanted Twisted log output when using Scrapyd?

When using print method I am receiving log output I haven't seen before. I guess it's coming from Twisted module which seems to be a part of Scrapyd. I am not u

How do I filter outliers in test data based on z-scores of train data?

I have a train and test dataset. On the train dataset I detected and deleted outlier values, when their standard deviation is 5 times greater from the mean. If

can't install mediapipe? python 3.8

I have tried to use pip install mediapipe, and other similar methods of pip install to install mediapipe as i need it for one of my projects. I am stumped and d

How to run migrations on Android Studio?

Sometimes I see a pop-up, that I can migrate to a newer kotlin version or something but I recently accidentally closed it and after restarting Android Studio it

issue with python-mysql library with in Docker

We have a peculiar situation. I have inherited some source code from the people who left the company. in docker file they are installing the mysql driver via ap

Get list of all google sheets using gspread?

Currently I can connect using gspread and create/share a spreadsheet. I can also read data from said spreadsheet but I have to request it by name. Is there a wa

issue with python-mysql library with in Docker

We have a peculiar situation. I have inherited some source code from the people who left the company. in docker file they are installing the mysql driver via ap

Where do I store metadata of NFT

Smart contract execution needs gas fee. So all data can't be stored in blockchain. Images could be stored on ipfs like Pinata. Do I have to develop extra backen

Failing to load model using multiprocessing on windows

This program works on Unix and I'm trying to transition it to windows. It uses multiprocessing and I understand it's an issue with being forced to use spawning

Gmail loses the html formatting of emails sent with Odoo

My company migrated their CRM starting to use Odoo, and then I proceeded to configure the external mail server (gmail), the @catchall parameter, and then define

why are my first and second LED not lighting up? is it a problem with the for loops?

When I power my Arduino it only lights up the 2-5 and leds and skips the 1st and the 6th led. I tried seeing what's the problem by giving a check on the value o

Get list of all google sheets using gspread?

Currently I can connect using gspread and create/share a spreadsheet. I can also read data from said spreadsheet but I have to request it by name. Is there a wa

How to suppress unwanted Plot figure object information in Jupyter Notebook

I want to suppress any text output when I run Jupyter Notebook cell. Specifically I output some figures and each is accompanied by something like: <Figure s

Metabase Custom Column Casting from Text to Integer

How can I use Custom Column feature in Metabase to cast column from Text to Integer for sum calculation.

Media Queries in Material-UI Using Styled-Components

Material UI has a nice set of built-in media queries: Material UI also allows us to use S

Media Queries in Material-UI Using Styled-Components

Material UI has a nice set of built-in media queries: Material UI also allows us to use S

Xamarin: How to delete files using CrossFilePicker Xamarin Forms

I am using the following code to pick a file using CrossFilePicker in Xamarin forms. Goal is to delete the selected file in Xamarin.Android project, file still

Webscraping returning character(empty)

I have the following code: link = "" page = read_html(link) name <- page %>% html_nodes(".search-result__header-t

WPF Canvas: Rotate a grouped shape

In my WPF application, I am trying to rotate a set of grouped shapes inside a canvas. I am getting grouped shape object TOP/LEFT position using the formulae men

Adding multiple Notion relations in Integromat (Notion API)

Attempting to add multiple Notion relations in integromat: Desired result: Both students are added to the database Observed result: Each student is replaced wit

How to get a certain post, its tags and comments from Wordpress REST API using switchMap and then combine the resulting values using JS?

I am working on an Angular app that needs to fetch a certain post with a given ID, its respective tag names and comments from Wordpress REST API. This applicati

Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDKFailed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK

I'm new to mobile development. And while I was developing my app, I got the following error: Failed to auto initialize the Facebook SDK A valid Facebook app id

how to install oracle database express on mac m1

I want to Install Oracle Database Express on macbook m1 but it only supports linux and windows, I downloaded Sql developer but I m unable to download Oracle dat

Enlarging Swiper Navigation Buttons

I'm trying to enlarge the arrow of the Navigation of my swiper. I found that it is control by this CSS ".swiper-button-next::after", which is defined in swiper.

Enlarging Swiper Navigation Buttons

I'm trying to enlarge the arrow of the Navigation of my swiper. I found that it is control by this CSS ".swiper-button-next::after", which is defined in swiper.