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Google play icon not appearing (fontawsome)

I want to add google play and apple icons with the download button the apple icon works fine but the google play doesn't show and i don' know why <link r

Translate back to english before sending the search parameter using weglot

I am using Weglot in my single-page application (Angular). The following code adds a language switcher in my application on all pages. <script type="text/jav

SSL error only in python command window with apify request

I am trying to use endpoint from When I run my request in web browser with token everything is fine but if I run my request via requests library from

How to create External Table without specifying columns in Redshift?

I have a folder containing files in parquet format. I used crawler to create table defined in Glue Data Catalog which counted to 2500+ columns. I want to create

google_play_scraper cannot crawl all reviews

AS I followed codes of reviews_all from I sitll cannot get all reviews, just only a few and not even sorted by d

How long is the delay when refactoring the targetClass name in android application shortcuts.xml

I am investigating the use of Google App actions with the Google assistant in my current Android project. I have published my app to the google play store as an

Javascript, using require() and import in the same file

I need to use require() in my file so I can use 'readline', but I also need to use import so I can use a module. But when I use require inside of my module it s

Convert from Prodigy's JSONL format for labeled NER to spaCy's training format?

I am new to Prodigy and spaCy as well as CLI coding. I'd like to use Prodigy to label my data for an NER model, and then use spaCy in python to create models.

Is there a way to optain categories created in a NodeRED Server?

Currently I have multiples customs categories installed in my NodeRED server, I am able to see in the browser, here is an screenshot: I am looking for a way to

How to display the route using GMap in C#?

My main problem is that it doesn't display the line between the 2 markers when I click on the display button.It should draw my route between the first pin and t

How to initialize data using map inside useState in ReactJs?

I'm new to React and in the assignment I'm working on, I have to show data in a AG Grid table. For that this is how I'm initializing rowData inside useState(),

Looking for something similar to Laravel Livewire for Spring Boot

I am looking to use Spring Boot for my next project and I am unable to find something that offers similar functionality to Laravel Livewire, does anybody know i

Converting From .pt model to .h5 model

I am using Google colab. I want to convert .pt model from my google drive to .h5 model. I follow link and https://ww

Bit shifting a half-float into a float

I have no choice but to read in 2 bytes that make up a half-float. I would like to work with this in the form of a 4 byte float. Ive done some research and the

storage\logs/laravel.log" could not be opened in append mode: failed to open stream: Permission denied

I have developed my application in Laravel 8, it's working fine in localhost and Linux server. But When I deployed it in Plesk Windows Server it's showing permi

Add border to only 1 button

I have a simple setup where I have 2 buttons and when a user clicks on one of them I want a border to show around it so that they know which one they clicked I

Infer return type of function that takes a discriminated union?

I have a function that takes in an object that uses a discriminated union that returns a different structure based on that property. While i could write an asse

How to stop autopep8 not installed messages in Code

I'm a new Python programmer using the Mac version of VS Code 1.45.1 to create a Django project. I have the Python and Django extensions installed. Every time I

Usage Error When run "yarn start" on yarn berry project

Our team decides to use yarn berry on our project, and one in my team initialize project. So I cloned the project on my local and run "yarn start" in terminal B

Eigenanalysis of complex hermitian matrix: different phase angles for EIG and EIGH

I understand that eigenvectors are only defined up to a multiplicative constant. As far as I see all numpy algorithms (e.g. linalg.eig, linalg.eigh, linalg.svd)

Elasticsearch query serialization returns empty string

I want to extract the JSON representation of an Elasticsearch Query, which was built by the Java client API (Java API Client 8.0.0). The following code shows my

How to use redux toolkit's preloadedState and createSlice together properly?

I am trying to migrate to redux toolkit, but just encountered an issue. Here's an example of simple counter slice. import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit

How do I fix this? CSS '::Before' is not working in HTML [duplicate]

I'm trying to use ::before in CSS, but it doesn't work. I need it to create a hover effect. But I had to learn this, but I just can't seem to

Position two text elements underneath eachother

I'm struggling to get these two text elements (h1 & p) underneath of each other. The header somehow seems to be blocking the paragraph from floating to the

aws codedeploy can not kubectl into aws eks

i am trying to connect to eks cluster via aws codebuild. when: kubectl get svc output: [Container] 2022/05/13 11:27:03 Running command kubectl get svc error: Yo

Client socket coded in ASM (FASM) does not connect to Server

I am creating a communication between a client and a server via tcp/ip socket. I am developing the client in ASM (FASM) and I cannot connect to the server. The

All else held equal, which is the faster querying option: Milvus, RocksDB, or Apache HBase

I have a requirement to store billions of records (with capacity up to one trillion records) in a database (total size is in terms of petabytes). The records ar

Implementation of Hazelcast 5.0.2 embedded in application fails to detect itself and second pod when migrated to AWS EKS Infrastructure

We are running into an issue on AWS EKS infrastructure where our application that uses Hazelcast (5.0.2) with the Kubernetes Discovery plugin (2.2.3) fails to d

H14 in heroku web

Hello I was just trying to use web and worker based bot I mean something like with # telegram bot from pyrogram import Client,filters Bot = Client(api_i

How to add a value within specific key when extending an interface?

Let's say I have an interface: interface Person { age: number name: { first: string second: string } } And I want to extend Person to Friend, whi