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Use req.user instead of User.findOne when updating MongoDB sub-documents?

I am using Passport.js for Express, which already holds the current user in the session variable req.user. Yet when I try to update a MongoDB database I can onl

Why the handleChange of Formik is not working when I set multiple functions?

I have problem on formik, the handleChange of formik is not working properly when I add other function inside the onValueChange. Is there any solutions for this

Installation of taichi legacy branch on ubuntu 20.04

I am willing to work with code spgrid_topo_opt which needs taichi legacy to be installed first. To install taichi legacy following the instruction on the page I

How to find a substring in only a portion of a std::string?

I have a std::string and i want to be able to find text only in a section of it : so i need to specify a start and an end position. In std::string::find() one c

Remove all non-essential json formatting in C#

Let's say I have some convoluted json like so: { "ref": "some", "repository": { "id": 123456789, "name": "foo bar" } } I'm trying to get it into

Android WorkManager fork single into multiple chains and join

I want to set up the following work using WorkManager: A | v ----- | | v | B v | D v | C | | | ----- | v E So

Failing to load model using multiprocessing on windows

This program works on Unix and I'm trying to transition it to windows. It uses multiprocessing and I understand it's an issue with being forced to use spawning

How to set precision for json_real while doing json_dump using jansson library

If a double value of 8.13 is passed into json_real and dump the json i see that its printing 8.1300000000000008, Is there any way to get 8.13 or 8.1300000000000

What is the best practice for serve HTML files in Quarkus

I don't want the extension of my HTML files to show up in the address bar like index.html, login.html. Instead, I want these files to be accessed with patterns

OpenSSL extensions to CA certificate

Im using OpenSSL v1.1.1g and trying to add extensions to my self signed CA certificate using the following bat script: rem #Create CSR openssl req -newkey rsa:4

How to handle "Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received"?

Forgive me for any glaring mistakes as I am new to chrome extensions, but this error with Chrome's message passing API has been discussed here, here, and here i

Adding multiple Notion relations in Integromat (Notion API)

Attempting to add multiple Notion relations in integromat: Desired result: Both students are added to the database Observed result: Each student is replaced wit

The unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 is no longer supported

I have been using github actions for quite sometime but today my deployments started failing. Below is the error from github action logs Command: git Arguments:

Image from a link not showing in html2pdf

I'm trying to generate a pdf in javascript using html2pdf that I installed using npm. The problem is that it will not show my images that comes from an url in m

How to call an activity method from a fragment?

I need to call a method that is in an activity from a fragment , i can't even instatiate the activity in the fragment , I don't know how to approach this proble

CDK: aws_cdk.aws_ecs.EcrImage vs aws_cdk.aws_ecs.ContainerImage

What is the difference between using aws_cdk.aws_ecs.EcrImage and aws_cdk.aws_ecs.ContainerImage to create instances using CDK?

Why is caplog.text empty, even though the function I'm testing is logging?

I'm trying to use pytest to test if my function is logging the expected text, such as addressed this question (the pyunit equivalent would be assertLogs). Foll

Sequelize js how to get average (aggregate) of associated model

I am trying to get average rating of an associated Model "Rating" of Model "User" using sequelize. sequelize.sync({logging: false}).then(()=>{ return Mode

Set xaxis of imagesc with scaled binned values

I have a matrix(20x400) and I am plotting it with imagesc in MATLAB where y axis having 20 values and xaxis having 400 values. However, I would like to know how

Android deep links not working due to supported web addresses being disabled by default

My app used to work fine with deep links, I haven't changed anything in the app but what has seemed to change is that when freshly installing the app, in the ap

FastAPI serving static files through symlinks

I have mounted the static directory in my FastAPI app using the following code: from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles app = FastAPI( title="Title of

How can I connect all my flutter application connections to a proxy? Like a vpn

I live in Iran, which is under sanctions, and I am currently using the API, which is under sanctions I wanted to see if there was a way I could proxy the whole

Connect Blazor WASM app to Azure Key Vault

I am asking for your help because i have some trouble with the connection of my app to Azure key vault (title of the subject). The architecture of my project lo

Can log updated value but cant render it with mobx flow

I am trying to make a really simple api call without any logic at all.Althoough I get an illegible object in the consoel called 'proxy' at leaset (not expected

How to download alots of page by twenty-twenty

I have an app that download a books, where each book can contain a random pages. So I coded a logic using threading: while pagenum < (int(Book["total_pages"]

Nomad job for existing containers

I'm fairly new to nomad. From a nomad job, I specified a docker image. From what I understand, nomad will download the image and create it's own container and

ValueError: source code string cannot contain null bytes while import sklearn

I'm trying to import MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing. when I run my code this error appears that refers to the import line: ValueError: source code str

Why does Django use `Meta` inner class in models?

If I want to describe some information such as ordering, if the model is proxy or abstract, which fields must be unique together, then I need to put this inform

How to get 3D coordinates (XYZ) of the sun given Azimuth and altitude?

i'm creating a simple program that will simulate sunlight at a given time in the day. I am able to get the data { azimuth: -2.100262873246889, altitude: -0.0148

How to call an activity method from a fragment?

I need to call a method that is in an activity from a fragment , i can't even instatiate the activity in the fragment , I don't know how to approach this proble