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error: cannot find symbol: method rotate()

I must write a constructor that takes in a 27-letter sequence and a char that "rotates" the char sequence until the first char in the sequence matches the given

How to display distance in AR.JS How to show distance in location based ar.js in JavaScript like this? I build a-image and I want to show something lik

Reading input from 2 files and writing to a third file in ascending order

I have 2 files that each contain a series of ordered numbers, separated by spaces (" "). Write a program that produces a third file that will contain the ascend

git-rs leaving index in odd state

I'm using libgit2 via git-rs. I'm trying to commit things which is working, however, old files are showing up as deleted and/or staged even after the commit. Ho

Trying to test (minitest) method that invokes AWS S3 Bucket copy_to. How to mock or stub?

We have an Attachment model with a copy_for_edit! method which helps an Attachment copy itself. The attachment data is stored in AWS S3 bucket(s). We make use o

How to recursively insert elements into a binary tree and keep it balanced java?

I am doing a project for class and am stuck on trying to develop this method. Would anyone be able to give me an example? The instructions for the method are be

How to store contents of string array into 2D array in python and perform operations without any built in function?

I have tried almost everything I cannot figure it out. I cannot figure out which array to use. This is the question and the required output:

Standard answers for a speech in a AI

I am building a project where there is a software, It should answer to questions as "Hi","What your name?", "How are you?", ecc. Is there a standard answers I c

How to make docker-compose work on M1 chip?

I'm new to m1 macbook and face an issue with running my docker-compose which looks like this: version: "3.7" services: search: platform: linux/x86_64

How to start docker build at a certain stage in a multi-stage build?

Our application take a very long time to compile. Any change to the Dockerfile triggers a full-recomplile (which takes a very long time) The Dockerfile is a m

Breakpoints won't hit on CLion

CLion gives the following hover message accompanied with a "no" sign instead of a breakpoint red dot: This breakpoint will currently not hit. No executable cod

How to get origin or domain name in Next.js [duplicate]

I can get the relative pathname using useRouter().asPath which gives something like /my-awesome-post but how to get the origin? Similar to wha

Nextauth token keeps on nesting

I updated with v4 beta with next-auth. But the token keeps on nesting on refresh, as in token converts to token.token to token.token.token .... on each refresh

Module "pretty-format" has no exported member 'CompareKeys'

import type { CompareKeys } from 'pretty-format'; ../node_modules/jest-matcher-utils/node_modules/jest-diff/build/types.d.ts:7:15 - error TS2305: Module '"prett

JS How can I increase the performance of this Max/Min coding challenge?

I'm trying to solve some '' coding challenges. I'm stuck on this one: You will be given an array of integers arr and a single integer k. You must

CloudWatch Cost - Data Processing

I'd like to know if possible to discover which resource is behind this cost in my Cost Explorer, grouping by usage type I can see it is Data Processing bytes, b

Prompt login via saved google account

I know how to integrate "Login via google account" in any website. But in some website like zomato always prompt "login via google" account while opening. It sh

How to solve the error in package.json when creating an image?

In the step 4/6 is showing up an error when I try to create this image in Docker: FROM node:latest RUN mkdir -p /app/src WORKDIR /app/src COPY package.json .

How to get all old values for a mulitple cell range with onEdit trigger

In google apps script, with onEdit trigger, how do I get the old values of all the cells if the edited range has multiple cells? In the Event object documentati

Why Navigation.goBack() not working properly?

I am using following way to create navigation system StackNavigator -> DrawerNavigator -> (Screen A, Screen B, Screen C) Screen A is initial Route Scre

webpack.code build is broken after update postcss-loader from 3.0.0 to 4.1.0

I'm using lates webpack 4 (not 5) with latest CkEditor 5 and postcss-loader. Everything is fine, when I use postcss-loader 3.0.0. After update it to 4.1.0 I got

why the first example in xtensor can't run?

I install the xtensor by conda conda install -c conda-forge xtensor and I find the position where the xtensor is installed, path_xtensor="/amax/home/user/minic

Updated intellij messed up Kotlin with 'Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies'

Lot's of frustration here. I decided to follow the pop-up prompting an intellij upgrade so it'd stop nagging me. And now I get a compiler error on certain parts

How do I use an API key/secret on Binance's TestNet?

Following the instructions here,, I created a Binance SmartChain account with its "0x" prefixed wallet a

How can I get the full source (HTML) of a web-page with vba?

I am trying to automate a work task using excel VBA. I can't seem to get all the source code. I created this simple code to test it. dim IE as object Dim S as S

How to detect if a variable is a pure javascript object

I have a function I need to pass an object to. I use typeof operator to make a check before processing. But looking at this link, it appears that many javascrip

How to Fix MyTile@SmartTile lags and slow fps

Hey Im Creating a delivery app with kivymd but i have been experiencing a lag when running and navigating through the app and slow fps when loading SmartTileWit

ParallelSSHClient - Python - Handle authentication errors

I have a problem which I didn't found the solution here. I am working with SSHClient for connecting to multiple servers. But, if there is 1 server in the list t

Is there an equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler

Is there a equivalent of DynamoDB on Azure as a PHP session Handler? I found some very old articles online suggesting to use Azure Table Storage but it doesn't

SwiftUI NavigationView nested in PageTabView wrong aligned on first appear

The NavigationViews inside my PageTabView are wrong aligned on first appear. When i scroll to another page on my PageTabView and go back to the first page, the