Category "c++sharp"

Xamarin: How to delete files using CrossFilePicker Xamarin Forms

I am using the following code to pick a file using CrossFilePicker in Xamarin forms. Goal is to delete the selected file in Xamarin.Android project, file still

WPF Canvas: Rotate a grouped shape

In my WPF application, I am trying to rotate a set of grouped shapes inside a canvas. I am getting grouped shape object TOP/LEFT position using the formulae men

Remove all non-essential json formatting in C#

Let's say I have some convoluted json like so: { "ref": "some", "repository": { "id": 123456789, "name": "foo bar" } } I'm trying to get it into

Connect Blazor WASM app to Azure Key Vault

I am asking for your help because i have some trouble with the connection of my app to Azure key vault (title of the subject). The architecture of my project lo

read onedrive api errors

I am current using the following to try and create an upload session with the onedrive api HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); requ

Connect Blazor WASM app to Azure Key Vault

I am asking for your help because i have some trouble with the connection of my app to Azure key vault (title of the subject). The architecture of my project lo

How to call a callback function on a GUI event? Delegates?

I'm very new to C# and I'm wondering if using delegates is the right way here: I created a UserControl in Visual Studio Windows Forms Designer. In a TableLayout

Datagridview Error After Rowfilter -> Data Update/Add and Fill Process

I have a datagridview which filled by SQL table. When I search a value with a textbox in the data and update/insert the some values and use fill function again

Remove all non-essential json formatting in C#

Let's say I have some convoluted json like so: { "ref": "some", "repository": { "id": 123456789, "name": "foo bar" } } I'm trying to get it into

Deadlock on Select from table-valued parameter

I have this piece of code which acquires connection from EF Core DB context and executes select on the received data. var conn = _dbContext.Database.GetDbConnec

Why does a zero-length stackalloc make the C# compiler happy to allow conditional stackallocs?

The following "fix" is very confusing to me; the scenario here is conditionally deciding whether to use the stack vs a leased buffer depending on the size - a p

How to show deserialized TempData object in view?

I'm getting System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.' error in Index2.cshtml file after deserializing my TempData o

Is there any way to clear the cache, cookies & History for Edge Browser

I am working on RPA Automations Project, where we need to login into a Application using the Edge browser, after logging we need to make few update and complete

How to publish different solutions (and repositories) to the same project?

I have an Azure DevOps project that contains a solution that is published to an URL like Is it possible to publish another solution in a d

Guid Instead of string for primary key / ID for ASP.Net Core 3.1 Identity

This no longer works with ASP.Net Core 3.1 / .Net Core 3.1 Compile error:'IdentityBuilder' does not contain a de

Cloudflare Workers with Webassembly

i managed today to get cloudflare workers working with my c# wasm. My question is, how safe this is if i want to serve a api on workers with webassembly? I want

Foreign Key word display blank when the app is run

I have built a Book app in ASP.NET Core razor pages CRUD using Entity Framework. However, when I run the app and view it on https://localhost:44370/, the Foreig

Replacing {text} in .txt or array with different text

Consider having the following strings in a .txt file Or in an array: {"","",""} And consider having t

Microsoft Graph API Pagination is not working for getting all users from Azure AD

We are using Microsoft Graph API Beta version to retrieve all users from the Azure AD using below code. API returns only 100 users in the response and to use pa

Kerberos error when connecting to Oracle database in .NET Core

I have an application created using .NET Core 3.1 which needs to connect to an Oracle database, the connection code is very straightforward and I'm connecting u