Category "apache-pulsar"

Apache Pulsar send message seems slow

I'm making some tests with Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ and Apache Pulsar, using C# client libraries. Tonight I started to do some tests with producer of messages for

Apache Pulsar - use cases for infinite retention of a topic

I am actually planing our next version of our telemetry system architecture. I am strongly considering Pulsar at the messaging solution. To better understand wh

Apache Pulsar: Error Checking/Getting Partition Metadata while Subscribing

I'm trying to subscribe to an Apache Pulsar topic, and I know for certain the tenant, namespace, and topic all exist because other consumers are able to subscri

apache pulsar : error while consuming message

I am trying to consume from pulsar topic. My client code can be seen below. But, I am facing NoClassDefFoundError. Please let me know how to resolve this. pulsa

I'm looking for code to connect PyFlink to Pulsar

I've been trying various examples, but I need to see how to connect PyFlink to Pulsar. I have Pulsar 2.8.0, Flink 1.13.1 and Scala 2.11. I just need to see how

Apache Pulsar Rar file

We have been using rar files JCA connector/Resource adapter for JBOSS to connect to ActiveMQ and looking for similar rar file for Pulsar - Do we have a similar