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I have a problem entering data into an object using FOR

I have an object I want to go through using the FOR loop Because I want to change the object according to my needs Here is my original object I copied it from c

How can I pass the list to the component variable in Laravel?

How can I pass the list to the component variable? I tried to add elements of a list in @php tags like this , for now,, in the future, I will fetch this list fr

c#: How to popup uwp project in winform

I want to popup a UWP project when I click a button in a Winform project I tried to pop up WPF, but it didn't work in UWP. In WinForm I can't add a reference t

Keep getting error while creating react app

I have been trying to create a react app, so basically a new project such as hello world or anything. I try using npx create-react-app my-app The error I get is

Why do I get a UserCodeSyntaxError when I have no syntax error in my code?

I'm currently creating a Dialogflow chatbot in nodejs and upon deploying my code I get an error message. I've attempted to uncomment most things out to just be

Is there a way to add two values of an array?

I am trying to make a vernam cypher using html and js, I started by giving each letter a value like (a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, … z = 25). Made two inputs so

Construct Deterministic Accepter for binary string containing at any position

do you have any idea of designing a deterministic accepter where the set of all these binary strings contains at any position? The string is: 0100101 So, the ac

Azure Event Grid output binding not working

I have tried every variation of what this document has to offer to make an azure function that takes in an event grid event and outputs and event grid event: ht

Angular i18n with em and strong?

I'm preparing an application for internationalization with the @angular/localize library, so I'm going through and adding i18n attributes to fields that contain

In Flutter, why does the DraggableScrollableSheet show blank space when there are less children?

I want the DraggableScrollableSheet to stop moving up when there are less items in the ListView. Instead, blank space is created underneath to fill the entire s no such file or directory. Do I need to create this file?

My Flutter Project won't run on the ios simulator and is throwing this error: Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone Xʀ in debug mode... Running Xcode build...

Plugin 'kotlin-parcelize' not found

Google is recommending users to migrate from kotlin-android-extensions to kotlin-parcelize. However, Gradle sync fails with the following error: Plugin [id: 'ko

Xcode error: Failed to prepare device for development

I have updated to Xcode 12.3 beta. device version is 14.2, but Xcode complaining: Errors were encountered while preparing your device for development. Please c

Using INotifyPropertyChanged view models with Cocoa/AppKit bindings

I know this is pretty esoteric but hoping someone has a solution for me. I have an application that started life as WPF, moved to UWP and now lives primarily as

Reactnative asyncstorage for a specific user is not working properly

I am trying to save the passing screen after a user that is logged in, has passed the test. And that passing screen is saved even after the app is completely cl

Docker pulling unauthorized - Docker and Github actions

my deploy script is as follows: - name: Log in to GitHub Packages run: echo ${PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN} | docker login -u ${{ secrets.NAMESPACE }} --

My Discord bot won't reply back with the Embed I made

I don't know much about coding myself but I followed someone's video (specifically this video: on how to make embeds

How to check 2 conditions in angular ngif

I am little stuck trying to get this *ngIf to work correctly. What I am trying to do is show the div if it is empty only if the user viewing is owner. If the us

How can I read the value of an RxSwift property? <Driver>Bool

I'd like to read the value of a property var checkInEnabled: Driver<Bool> { get } I only need to to run a bit code once when the class has loaded, so I d

Mocking internal function call in Kotlin

I am a complete beginner in terms of Kotlin and I am finding some issues while trying to test out a Ktor based application. I have a file in my endpoints packag

how to import all the points from a .pcd file into a 2d python array

How do you import all the 3d points from a file named edge_cloud.pcd and put them into an array? I want the array to be in the format array=[[xvalue1,yvalue1,

yield inside section in Laravel 8

I am trying to yield a section inside another section which is itself yielded in master.blade.php, but it does not work. master.blade.php <!DOCTYPE html>

Smart Home Action Setting "mode" for thermostat doesn't reflect in UI

I have a smart home action with Thermostats. The available modes are 'on' 'off' 'heat' 'cool'. Heat and cool work fine. It's just the on/off modes that aren't w

Unable to Start AWS CloudAgent service

I downloaded CloudAgent service in EC2 instance and installed it using msiexec. When I try to run the service it is not starting. This is what I am seeing from

Two Identical applications which communicate over a TCP socket connection on the localhost

C#/XAML .NET WPF ... Both applications need to have the ability to connect with each other, and both should have listeners. How would I do this as I know that u

Julia error when trying to modify last number of an Array {Float 64}

I'm now starting using Julia and I need to interpolate a Brownian motion. I run the following codes but the following error appear. N = 3 B = zeros(N) B[N] = ra

How can I re-write this input/output files so that my input file is a comma delimited file

How can I re-write this input/output files so that my input file is a comma delimited file (input.csv)? Input file (input.csv): Smith,John,87 Doe,Jane,93 Sacram

The 'pyasn1-modules>=0.2.1' distribution was not found and is required by google-auth

I wanted to try Python's Geemap module, I installed it via conda install geemap -c conda-forge. But when importing it in my pyhton code I have this error messag

Cypress wait for API after button click

I've made a React app, which all works perfectly and I'm now writing some end to end tests using Cypress. The React app all works on the same url, it's not got

Use the_post() function with col-md-3 and col-md-6 in row for wp theme make

Hi i want to design a wp theme with bootstrap I have probleem with col-md-3 , col- md-6 in one row when use of the_post function For design like this image gri