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--pid=host To Set through DockerFile

I am trying to use the jmap to collect the heapdump. And the application is containerized and lauched on a EC2 Instance. To generate the heapdump the PID got as

Implementing copy and move when dropping an Item in `QTreeView`

I revised the whole question because the behavior I want is hard to implement and actually use. I'm trying to imitate the behavior in the File Explorer where wh

How to confirm an enumeration to Identifiable protocol in Swift?

I'm trying to make a list with the raw values of the cases from an enumeration with the new SwiftUI framework. However, I'm having a trouble with conforming the

Oracle DB SQL SELECT FROM a, b INNER JOIN c : is that possible?


how to get ytd last year up to the same months this year in ssrs

How to get the last year ytd vs the same months current year ytd in ssrs. Example, If my current year ytd is from Jan to March 2022, my last year ytd should be

MutableStateFlow force update / notify collector

MutableStateFlow doesn't notify collectors if the updated value equals the old value (source). I've found a workaround for this, but it doesn't scale well for c

Is WebSocket compatible with HTTP/3

The upcoming HTTP/3 standard is no longer based on TCP, but on the QUIC protocol. WebSocket is based on TCP and is initiated as HTTP update. Is a WebSocket con

VS code error "Permission Denied" when printing simple output

I am trying to set up my c++ environment in Visual Code Studio but the error here is Permission denied and I tried giving it administrator permission but it did

Concat null columns data with actual data in pandas?

I have set of columns need to be merged into single column where some columns have data and some don't have where it should be joined with the data to single co

Adding Dropout Layers to Segmentation_Models Resnet34 with Keras

I want to use the Segmentation_Models UNet (with ResNet34 Backbone) for uncertainty estimation, so i want to add some Dropout Layers into the upsampling part. T

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

Git/Windows - Case sensitivity issues when checking out a branch (and pulling/merging a branch). Affected files are all lowercase in Windows Explorer

Having a really strange issue with git and Windows regarding case sensitivity. I am not a master at git but I'm also not a beginner. Just want to throw that out

How to create bare repository with pack-refs?

I need to create bare repository with package-refs files. Command git init --bare create bare repository without pack-refs files. What I have to do?

MariaDB: Error Code: 1005. Can't create table Foreign key constraint is incorrectly formed"

I want to create UserRole table, but mariaDB complains with the following error: Error Code: 1005. Can't create table `testdb`.`userrole` (errno: 150 "Foreign k

How to get the component type in <script setup>?

This code comes from the official documentation and does not use defineComponent() to declare components. I tried and failed, and webstorm failed. //App.vue <

Keycloak CSS is not updating in browser

I am upgrading Keycloak from 9.x to 12.x in a development environment. I initially copied some custom themes forward, and found that the styling was badly broke

Clojure - compiling project with Java classes that are potentially not available

I am wrapping a java library in Clojure. Depending on the java library version, some classes exist or not, so my library can fail to even compile if it can't fi

Angular karma code coverage report folder not generated

When I run ng test --code-coverage, The coverage report is sometimes not generating, sometimes it is generating so I'm unable to verify the coverage statement a

How to change the figure size of a displot

I am new to Seaborn, and I am having some trouble changing my figure size. I have looked at examples and adapted it to my code, but nothing seems to be happenin

Flowbite Navbar Component is not working in React App

I used Navbar from Flowbite Tailwind CSS Component. But lately, Flowbite's Navbar dropdown menu is not working in my React app project. Is it not working for th

Why Vue3 Composition API - watch’s option deep do not work in reactive, but work in reactive getter?

Arrow function's deep option is work. Raw Reactive Object's deep option is not work. It looks like a bug, why watch’s option deep do not work in reactive,

Download PDF file form embed tag using Puppeteer

I am trying to download a pdf from a Website. The website is made with the framework ZK, and it reveals a dynamic URL to the PDF for a window of time when an id

MySQL Sort One Column Select 2nd Column Values Based on some Criteria

I have a table very similar to that below. I need to sort the end_time into ascending order and then select the start_time that are say within plus or minus 2

Floating points (wfs) on map using geojson in leaflet

I am trying to get geojson from geoserver and put it on the map. It seems to import geojson, but it is not displayed on the map, and I do not know what the prob

Map Dissapearing After Calling JumpTo (MapboxGL + React)

I'm developing a website that takes in an address from a user and plots a list of nearby locations using MapBoxGL and React. When the user runs the search, an A

Chrome Extension: Refused to load the script, because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'"

I'm trying to add a game to Chrome Web Store as an extension, but I'm having some problems with it. The game is made in Unity3D. The Error: Refused to load the

Can I include Java constant value in AsciiDoctor document?

For example, lets have a Java constant in some class public class MyClass{ public static final String ENDPOINT="" } and lets try to describ

Django override the error message that Django shows for UniqueConstraint error?

I want to customize Meta class constraints default message. Here is my model that I have been working out. class BusRoute(BaseModel): route = models.Foreign

Clojure - compiling project with Java classes that are potentially not available

I am wrapping a java library in Clojure. Depending on the java library version, some classes exist or not, so my library can fail to even compile if it can't fi