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How to initialize a Pydantic object from field values given by position instead of name?

I am not able to find a simple way how to initialize a Pydantic object from field values given by position (for example in a list instead of a dictionary) so I

Score in Unity game only increases by 1 and then stops

I am trying to create a score in unity where if you collect coins (in my case shells) the score goes up by 1 each time, however, the score increases by 1 and th

Custom RSpec argument matcher spec output

I am trying to get a good output for a custom matcher I wrote: RSpec::Matchers.define :scope_limited_to do |expected| match do |actual| @actual = actual.l

React(Next.js) conditionally render only once

I wanted to create a welcome page that disappears after some seconds, and I've found on youtube a video that did something similar, but it's more like a loader.

How to use c++20 modules with CMake?

Clang and MSVC already supports Modules TS from unfinished C++20 standard. Can I build my modules based project with CMake or other build system and how? I tri

Solve linear Inequalities

I want to solve a system of inequalities A x <= b, namely to visualize the set of solutions of this system. Are there any ways to do this in Python? The solu

Problem with SOGo theme background isn't getting applied to md-dialog and md-card

I made a theme for SOGo ( everything works except md-dialog and md-card Does anyone know why the background color doesn't a

pandas, creating dataframes based on tuple

I have a tuple that has data for several categories. Now I want to extract small dataframes from this tuple for each category based on a list I created. I want

SwiftUI: How to pop to Root view

Finally now with Beta 5 we can programmatically pop to a parent View. However, there are several places in my App where a View has a "Save" button that conclude

How to increase slider track width in flutter

In SliderThemeData trackheight is given but I want to increase the track's width. Here is my current code: SliderTheme( data: SliderThemeData( tra

How to write a multiline `do` block with the `do:` atom syntax?

For example, how would this module definition look like on one line? defmodule Lofa do def miez do IO.puts("hello") a = 27 IO.puts("bye") a

What is the difference between maven compiler plugin and maven toolchains plugin?

I had to integrate some legacy code into my maven build, so I used the maven-recommended toolchains plugin to change the java version: <plugin> <gr

assertj recursive comparison ignoring regex failing after upgrade from 3.18.1 to 3.21.0

I have updated my springboot , along with that my assertj also seems to have upgraded. Now the test which was initially working in the older version is failing.

JsException(TypeError: Failed to fetch)

When I try to import a pyscript source code to my HTML it shows a "JsException(TypeError: Failed to fetch)" error. print("Hello World") testPyscri

Find separate REST API Key & MAP SDK Key for Android - mapmyindia API

On the mapmyindia (map my India) API console, under "Credentials" tab of the Default Project, a default (and single) key is present "REST / Map SDK Key". In the

How to plot correlation matrix/heatmap with categorical and numerical variables

I have 4 variables of which 2 variables are nominal (dtype=object) and 2 are numeric(dtypes=int and float). df.head(1) OUT: OS_type|Week_day|clicks|avg_app_s

Problem: ParserError: Syntax Error at line: 1, column 32

I am new to programming and I am with this problem. When I put in the Terminal "npm run build" to create the compression of my project in React.js I have this e

Display different language text in <noscript> tag, depending on browser language

I'm new to HTML, and I want to display a message when JavaScript is disabled. So I put the message inside <noscript> tag, which works fine. <noscript&g

Spark: unable to load native-hadoop library for platform

I am trying to start with Spark. I have Hadoop (3.3.1) and Spark (3.2.2) in my library. I have set the SPARK_HOME, PATH, HADOOP_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to thei

Mixed named and unnamed parameters in JavaScript?

For a function with an intuitive first argument (e.g. a find semantic) I'd like to provide a way to write a function call without argument names while more comp

How to handle keep alive received probe on python server

In a python-written server with TCP socket defined as follows: def create_tcp_socket(bind_address): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

How to deal with viewholder and flow in recyclerview?

I would like to use my variable flow to save integer and keep him. Then every viewholder in recyclerview observe flow and react if it is clicked. For example: I

How to define a non blocking input in C++

I'm making a multithread application in C++. In particular, a secondary thread is involved in input operations, the problem is that std::cin is a blocking instr

The dependencies in the application context form a cycle

The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: authController defined in file [...\AuthController.class] ↓ user

Cosmos db - how to combine different results values in one result's particular attributes

I don't how can I explain this question, but suppose I have cosmos db container which look like this Query - select c.Name,c.Value from c where c.Name = "abc"

XSS attack still works despite htmlspecialchars() doing its work

hi i am trying to filter outputs of users who will put free text and wanna prevent XSS attacks so i tried this function i made to check <?php $patterns = [

How do I fill in the input type= "time" field in Thymeleaf?

The Spring-Boot + Thymeleaf project does not fill in the input type= "time" field When opening the html form. That's how it works: <input type="time" class="

Invalid policy role JSON

I am following this tutorial: the json for a policy is as shown: {

VBA function to get page's URL to extract gps coordinates

I have a little problem, thanks for whatever help you might bring :) my goal : i want to create a vba function that receives an address and returns the gps coor