Category "javascript"

Cypress wait for API after button click

I've made a React app, which all works perfectly and I'm now writing some end to end tests using Cypress. The React app all works on the same url, it's not got

How to seed a one file only with sequelize-cli?

sequqlize-cli db:seed:all is working fine, but how to seed only one file? Tried to db:seed:[name-that-i-gave-with-create-command] and db:seed:[full-path-to-seed

Do react hooks work via CDN links in a simple single html file?

What is wrong with the following html & js, I can't use hooks! ... this is the only file in my project (no other files or package managers) <html> <

How to change tag name of all html elements which is selected by class name? dynamically

strong text .my-p{ display: inline; } .my-div {} .my-bold{ font-weight: 900; } <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ... .steampath

I am trying to start the development server on a React project that I have not worked on for a long time. Upon running npm install and npm start I received the

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'execute) when i using js

hello I have a discord bot and I want to create reaction roles but when I execute It doesn't work ? please any body help me this is ap prt of the code put it on

How to make - - legend in 'areaspline' type high charts?

I already had look at Highcharts - How do I get dashed lines in legend . Its for "line" chart type my chart type is "areaspline" where I need dashed style legen

About implement single HTML page with multiple tabs via CSS with or without JavaScript aid

I am interested in building a web page with one single HTML file and multiple tabs. Since only one tab at a time can be selected, I thought that the most approp

Apache ECharts - How to integrate a "Backbutton" for Sunburst diagram

I used the Sunburst example from ECharts and wanted to add a back button instead of the blue default circle. I could not find this in the documentation. May be

Web Audio API sound interaction stops working after a while

I'm working with the Web Audio API for my javascript project, and I've run into an issue that I can't seem to find the answer for anywhere. I've added event lis

Expo Cannot Find Module after reinstall

I'm having issues getting expo to start. It tries to open dev tools and dev tools will not open and gives me this error: Cannot find module 'C:\Users\charl\Ap

How to implement FreshworksWidget into next.js project?

In Freshdesk docs they provide this script: <script> window.fwSettings={ 'widget_id':12000000025, 'locale': 'en' }; !function(){if("func

Simple practical example to see faster async functions and promises from node 10 to node 12, and up

Before I ask my question I want to make this clearly, I know benchmarks never tell the whole story. But my goal here is relatively simple, I want to see the per

How to automatically close fancybox 4 popup after x seconds?

I have a web page page.html with this fancybox4 link <a href="link.html" data-fancybox data-type="iframe" data-width="80%" data-height="25%" > I would cl

Multiples transformations matrix on SVG, get cursor point

This question is probably more related to math than svg itself. Inside a main svg, got multiples transformed svg, (from different events), by a viewBox attrib

Check if page creation date is within the last 7 days with Eleventy and Nunjucks?

I posted a few days ago about having a way to check for newly created posts, and I am making some headway in this but got a little stuck as shortcodes are still

How can I import firebase app as browser module import?

I am trying to import firebase app (8.0.2) on the client side without bundler. I downladed the firebase-app.js from the CDN and host it on my server. The goal i

How to set start day time to particular time in momentjs

I'm trying to set the start time of the day to a particular time. currently, in momentjs, I can get startOf day like this let now = moment() console.log('now'

Error "File is a commonJS module; it may be converted to an ES6 module. ts(80001)"

Developing javascript in vscode, I see this error on line const Koa = require("Koa");: File is a CommonJS module; it may be converted to an ES6 module. ts(8

How to return a promise with alertcontroller in ionic 4?

I am trying to convert this ionic 3 code into ionic 4 but I don't know how the promise works on ionic 4. I tried looking into the documentations and I can't fin