We are planning to upgrade our Cloud SQL postgresql instances to V12. According to the instance upgrade guide, we should export data from the current instance
Over the past day I have been experiencing this error very frequently which results in the cloud instance needing to be reset in order to continue connections:
I have a table, let's call it my_table with the following structure ID | data ____________ uuid | jsonb The data in the jsonb field is an object structured i
I have an SQL file which is manually generated. I use the code below to create it. conn = psycopg2.connect(host=t_host, port=t_port, dbname=t_dbname, user=t_nam
We have a large table (2.8M rows) where we are finding a single row by our device_token column CREATE TABLE public.rpush_notifications ( id bigint NOT NULL,
I created a sample flask application, I want to connect PostgreSQL database to my project. I installed flask_sqlalchemy. here is my Code from flask import Flask
I tried using flutter dependency "postgres" but my connection is refused. I also don't know how to start my postgresql server on ubuntu or call it using a resta
when I am trying to use this command dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate I am getting error like : Unable to create an object of type 'BlogDbContext'. For th
I am using docker here to build Liquibase and trying to execute Liquibase commands on fly. Here is the Dockerfile:- FROM liquibase/liquibase RUN lpm add mysql -
I am trying to refactor the existing code fragments that use postgresql pg module, and look like this: let sql = `INSERT INTO jobs (title, type, label) VALUES
Postgres table have one column as JSONB with below format { "steps": [ { "step": "Building", "status": "Complete", "end_date": "03/08/20
I have this Postgres code CREATE PROCEDURE adjust_available(patientBed UUID) LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ UPDATE bed SET available = false WHERE bed.id = pati
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is acce
I want to implement R's ceiling_date fucntion in SQL (Postgresql). So I have dates in a column for everyday with corresponding sales and I want to accumulate th
I have some data like that. And I want to get html. with t(x) as (values( XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ('<root><NotificationServiceDetails NotificationNo="0" Alar
json file "mappingdef": [ { "src": "A", "dest": "id" }, {
I need to connect to my db (Postgres) twice during autotest - at the beginning to truncate and at the end to select a new note from the table. I tried to do it
I need to return elements from a database query based on an inequality using the lexicographic ordering on multiple columns. As described in this question this
I'm trying to connect to a Postgres DB using Oracle SQL Developer. This is the datasource URL I see in an application which uses the DB: jdbc:postgresql://10.11
Runs locally, but not when deployed to Heroku (see error message). I tried adding a runtime.txt file with the Python version, and tried most of suggestions to s