Category "postgresql"

Is it possible to upgrade Cloud SQL postresql version with data in the 'postgres' database

We are planning to upgrade our Cloud SQL postgresql instances to V12. According to the instance upgrade guide, we should export data from the current instance

GCP Server crashing with "cloudsql.enable_instance_password_validation"

Over the past day I have been experiencing this error very frequently which results in the cloud instance needing to be reset in order to continue connections:

Add key/value pair to all objects inside a jsonb array in POSTGRES if key does not already exist

I have a table, let's call it my_table with the following structure ID | data ____________ uuid | jsonb The data in the jsonb field is an object structured i

EXIT CODE 1 when restore sql file in postgres

I have an SQL file which is manually generated. I use the code below to create it. conn = psycopg2.connect(host=t_host, port=t_port, dbname=t_dbname, user=t_nam

Benefit to adding an Index for an order by column?

We have a large table (2.8M rows) where we are finding a single row by our device_token column CREATE TABLE public.rpush_notifications ( id bigint NOT NULL,

raise exc.NoSuchModuleError( sqlalchemy.exc.NoSuchModuleError: Can't load plugin: sqlalchemy.dialects:postgresql

I created a sample flask application, I want to connect PostgreSQL database to my project. I installed flask_sqlalchemy. here is my Code from flask import Flask

How can I connect my flutter project to postgresql database? (ubuntu 20.04)

I tried using flutter dependency "postgres" but my connection is refused. I also don't know how to start my postgresql server on ubuntu or call it using a resta

PostgreSql and EntityFramework Unable to create an object of type

when I am trying to use this command dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate I am getting error like : Unable to create an object of type 'BlogDbContext'. For th

Unable to execute Liquibase update commands via Docker run

I am using docker here to build Liquibase and trying to execute Liquibase commands on fly. Here is the Dockerfile:- FROM liquibase/liquibase RUN lpm add mysql -

Passing VALUES clause as query parameter

I am trying to refactor the existing code fragments that use postgresql pg module, and look like this: let sql = `INSERT INTO jobs (title, type, label) VALUES

Update date format in jsonb object in postgreSQL

Postgres table have one column as JSONB with below format { "steps": [ { "step": "Building", "status": "Complete", "end_date": "03/08/20

Function does not exist in PostgreSQL

I have this Postgres code CREATE PROCEDURE adjust_available(patientBed UUID) LANGUAGE SQL AS $$ UPDATE bed SET available = false WHERE = pati

I have a Java Spring boot with Postgresql within docker-compose, org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to localhost:5432 refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is acce

R's ceiling_date equivalent in SQL

I want to implement R's ceiling_date fucntion in SQL (Postgresql). So I have dates in a column for everyday with corresponding sales and I want to accumulate th

How can get html inner tag in PosgreSQL

I have some data like that. And I want to get html. with t(x) as (values( XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT ('<root><NotificationServiceDetails NotificationNo="0" Alar

mapping excel columns to table column in database with python

json file "mappingdef": [ { "src": "A", "dest": "id" }, {

How can I connect twice to db in Cypress tests?

I need to connect to my db (Postgres) twice during autotest - at the beginning to truncate and at the end to select a new note from the table. I tried to do it

SQL tuple/lexicographic comparison with multiple directions

I need to return elements from a database query based on an inequality using the lexicographic ordering on multiple columns. As described in this question this

minus one error when trying to connect to database with Oracle SQL Developer

I'm trying to connect to a Postgres DB using Oracle SQL Developer. This is the datasource URL I see in an application which uses the DB: jdbc:postgresql://10.11

Heroku H10 error when deploying Flask application with Psycopg2

Runs locally, but not when deployed to Heroku (see error message). I tried adding a runtime.txt file with the Python version, and tried most of suggestions to s