Category "ansible-awx"

How to add hosts to AWX?

I have a VirtualBox Desktop Ubuntu machine with AWX running. I then spun up a separate server Ubuntu machine in VirtualBox. To act as one of my hosts. I took th

"Undefined variable" error on Ansible when run over Windows machines

This is a very simple Ansible playbook I run from AWX to get information about hosts, and it works as intended on Linux machines: --- - name: Get some info d

Ansible: Failed to restart apache2.service: Connection timed out

I am using Ansible AWX to issue a restart command to restart an apache2 service on a host. The restart command is contained in a playbook. --- - name: Manage Li

Ansible AWX : playbook run successfully for create directory in localhost but when go and check to that location that directory not available

I new with ansible AWX I wanted to create directory on my localhost for that create playbook as given below when I run playbook it shows that successful massage