Category "android-constraintlayout"

how to make a curved design in constraintLayout as given below

How to make this curved view having text inside, in constraint Layout

How to make view "wrap_content but not larger than" with ConstraintLayout?

I'm having 3 view in a row: title, version and imageview (working as button): title should be wrap_content but respecting the following rules version should be

The child view set to app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" cannot be displayed

The child View of ConstraintLayout is set app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="parent" to hide at the bottom of the screen. Just after entering the Activity, wh

How can i center a view in a guideline?

Suppose i have a horizontal GuideLine at 30% of parent and a View (suppose a Button) how can i make that view be centered on the guideline? Like this: Updat

How to create accessible focus groups in ConstraintLayout?

Imagine you have a LinearLayout inside a RelativeLayout that contains 3 TextViews with artist, song and album: <RelativeLayout ... <LinearLayout

Android studio layout editor. Waiting for build to finish

Android studio layout preview is stuck in waiting for build to finish even though there is no build happening. I have invalidate and restarted android studio. I