Category "avfoundation"

Swift - AVFoundation capture image orientation

I have a custom camera which takes photo in portrait mode. My issue is that if i try to take a photo in landscape and save it then the picture is still saved i

Issues while switching cameras during recording with AVFoundation

I am building a camera application similar to snapchat, and I need to be able to switch cameras while recording. I am able to switch cameras while NOT recording

Get AVAudioPlayer to play multiple sounds at a time

I'm trying to get multiple sounds files to play on an AVAudioPlayer instance, however when one sound plays, the other stops. I can't get more than one sound to

MTAudioProcessingTap EXC_BAD_ACCESS , doesnt always fire the finalize callback. how to Release it?

Im trying to implement MTAudioProcessingTap and it works great. The problem is when Im done using the Tap and I reinstaniate my class and create a new Tap. Ho

AVPlayer and AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11819

i am developing an app where the music is played via AVPlayer using songs from a cloud service. everything works fine and most of the files are playing without

iOS - Record the Voice while phone call in Objective c

Is it possible for an app which records the voice of the user while a phone call? I searched for it and the AVFoundation Framework seems to stop recording whe

Mic input through headphones and output to iPhone speakers

Is there any way yet of being able to use wired headphones' mic as input and iPhone speakers as output using the high level AVFoundation framework: AVAudioSessi