Category "seaborn"

How to plot correlation matrix/heatmap with categorical and numerical variables

I have 4 variables of which 2 variables are nominal (dtype=object) and 2 are numeric(dtypes=int and float). df.head(1) OUT: OS_type|Week_day|clicks|avg_app_s

Reordering the high-level clusters from seaborn clustermap results

Is there a way to get from a to b in the following figure with scripting? I am using seaborn.clustermap() to get to a (i.e. the order of the rows are preserved.

How to plot data from UDP stream coming from F1 2019 game, my lineplot comes up blank

I have this below code in which I am getting data packets from UDP from the game. However, when running this code I am getting a blank plot, I want to plot Spee

Display count on top of seaborn barplot

I have a dataframe that looks like: User A B C ABC 100 121 OPEN BCD 200 255 CLOSE BCD 500 134 OPEN DEF 600 1

Changing axis label size in Seaborn catplot [duplicate]

I am trying to enlarge the x-axis labels (that is 'onshore', 'offshore', and 'solar'), along with rotating them. But whenever I increase the s

How to add data labels to seaborn barplot? [duplicate]

I have the following code to produce a bar plot in seaborn import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns df = pd

Plot distribution of pandas dataframe depending on target value

I want to visualize the grade depending on the sex (male/female). My dataframe: df = pd.DataFrame( { "key": ["K0", "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4", "K5", "K6", "K7", "

How to line plot timeseries data on a bar plot

I have the following data frame: data = {'date': ['3/24/2020', '3/25/2020', '3/26/2020', '3/27/2020'], 'Total1': [133731.9147, 141071.6383, -64629.74024

convert hued displot of X to plot of hue vs mode(X given hue)?

I have a Seaborn displot with a hued variable: For each hued variable, I want to extract the mode of the density estimate and then plot each hue variable versu

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

How can i stack a seaborn kdeplot over a real map?

I've generated a seaborn kdeplot using latitude and longitude of a crime dataset of Chicago and I want to stack it over a real map of the city, which python lib

Add dpi to seaborn or export them with a given dpi

I have a visualization code like: for cluster in ready_couples_2.cluster.unique(): sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize':(11.7,8.27)}) # mask the cluster of int

How can I find the mode (a number) of a kde histogram in python

I want to determine the X value that has the highest pick in the histogram. The code to print the histogram: fig=sns.displot(data=df, x='degrees', hue="TYPE", k

How to plot the cluster's centroids using seaborn

Basically, I want to plot like this: I already managed to plot the clusters using sns.scatterplot(X[:,0], X[:,1], hue=y, palette=['red', 'blue', 'purple', 'gre

Off-center X-Axis in Seaborn

I'm having an issue getting my boxplot to align with my x axis labels. I've tried adjusting the size of the chart, but the data points still look a little off.

Why has seaborn/matplotlib filled below the line in this lineplot

I don't know why my plot looks like this: I only want to display lines with no fill. Code below. Note this also happens if I run in Spyder or cmd. import ma

Remove one out of two legends from Seaborn Scatterplot

Using the 'tips' dataset as a toy model, I generate the following plot: import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")

Google Colab not updating package?

I am trying to use seaborn==0.8.1 in an ipynb on Google colab. Here is my code: """General import statements and settings config.""" !pip install seaborn==0.8.

How to customize histogram using seaborn FacetGrid

I am using seaborn's FacetGrid to do multiple histogram plots from a dataframe (plot_df) on the parameter - "xyz". But I want to do the following additional thi

Get data points from Seaborn distplot

I use sns.distplot to plot a univariate distribution of observations. Still, I need not only the chart, but also the data points. How do I get the data poi