Category "mysql"

dynamic column data insert mysql

[![enter image description here][1]][1] the highlighted column needs to be updated with value from other tables which are linked on the basis of value of column

Setting ft_stopword_file back to default (built-in) without restarting MySQL

I need to test something by changing the ft_stopword_file without restarting the server. I know that SET GLOBAL works to change global variables until the next

Mariadb can't be installed on Debian Buster, : post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 134

I am trying to install Mariadb on Debian but I am getting the error below when I try to install it. Mariadb was actually working for me for a while. I just tr

SQL How to get categories that don't contain products?

SELECT DISTINCT {} FROM {BrandCategory AS c JOIN CategoryProductRelation AS c2p ON {} = {c2p.source} JOIN Product AS p

C# MySQL SSL Connection Error when trying to use conn.Open()

For the past 3 days now I have been struggling with an issue with MySQL connector in C#. Basically, I follow the MySQLConnector tutorial to open my connection

how to display binance crypto specific pair price value in flutter UI?

I was working to make a crypto app but I have some issues displaying crypto pairs in UI. I've tried different ways but it's not working. Please can you suggest

Laravel print last executed SQL query with Query log

DB::enableQueryLog(); $mines = Cranks::where([['crank_id', '=', $this->crank_id], ['mine_id', 'like', '%'.$script_value->mine_id.'%'] ])->get(); $query

How to compare elements from an ArrayList with data from a table in MySQL

The idea is I'm making a little restaurant app in Java so in this class is given the option to make an order. It works this way: the user writes which products

SQL iterative loop to see if employee works on all projects

The query I am supposed to form has to accomplish the following task: Retrieve the names of all employees who work on every project. I currently have three t

How do I integrate HubSpot data into a MySQL database automatically?

I have a HubSpot account where my team updates my customers' details in three sheets such as Contacts, activities etc. Now I want to integrate the data availabl

How do I integrate HubSpot data into a MySQL database automatically?

I have a HubSpot account where my team updates my customers' details in three sheets such as Contacts, activities etc. Now I want to integrate the data availabl

Warning: mysqli_stmt::bind_param(): Number of elements in type definition string doesn't match number of bind variables 11 [closed]

My code against SQL injection isn't working (error message in title). I simplified my code, but its still not working. <?php include "con

Formatting MySQL output in online IDE

Test platform Used - HackerRank | MySQL/MSSQL Recently attempted an code assessment for a job post involving SQL questions. I was able to get the correct output

How to gain access back to root (admin) user in MySQL?

I had one admin user with username = root (had admin privileges) and password =admin then i created new user with username =root (have no privileges) and passwo

Cloud SQL Admin Api Warning in GCF

I have a function deployed in GCF which is executed in node js. And it works with Cloud SQL instance of MySQL. And I receive this warning from time to time. Cl

SQL WHERE/AND error when using it multiple times

I've started learning SQL on Friday. I'm using pgAdmin4 I'm having trouble with one line on this code: SELECT first_name, last_name, nationality, date_of_birth

Mysql compare if date is at least two day away from now

I have a table, has field named date with type date. I have a row with date=2021-08-11, I want to perform an update, if is more than 2 days from curr

Get average of column separated by groups

So I have a query that produces a table like the below, without the avg column. I'm trying to figure out how to add the avg column. The average should be from t

mysql table relationship with primary and foreign keys

I have created 3 tables: accounts, products, claims. These are the relationships: Accounts: PK - username Products: PK - serial number, FK - username Claims: FK

Error "Failed to start mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service not found"

I'm using Fedora 29. I'm try to run mariadb.service with command:systemctl start mariadb, and give error:Failed to start mariadb.service: Unit mariadb.service n