Category "directory"

How to create a zipfile and write it to multiple directories/folders?

I have a single .txt file that I want to compress into a zipfile and write into multiple directories. This function creates a list of directories that I want to

How to make path using pandas dataframe as reference

I plan to make hundreds of dataframe with using Excel in hundreds of folders. Reference table: Folder Category Sub Cat

Apply a file to multiple folders using better PowerShell script

I'm working on a project where I have to apply a file to multiple folders every so often. I'm trying to learn some PowerShell commands to make this a little ea

Create several folders in a directory with a loop to write the names R

I am trying to create several subfolder in a parent folder. I created this code but it does not create my subfolders. I would like to create subfolders in the f

What should I do to solve the trailing punctuation mark is rendered at the start when I set dir="rtl" in html label?

When I set dir="rtl", the trailing punctuation mark is rendered at the start. I expect that the result is I have a cat, her name is "butterfly" but the actual

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: Discrepancy between programs

at the moment I'm writing several tests with Selenium and I use Python. For rudimentary logging i made this function in order to output all prints to a file: #

Sendkeys does not work for uploading a folder in selenium c# in headless mode

The code is working fine in normal mode and it silently uploads the entire folder yet when executed in headless mode it does nothing. Just execute the line and

batch script - write all files found in one directory into one command line?

I have a directory with a bunch of files with a mix of extension. I only want to work with files with extension *.abc. Each *.abc file should then be handed ove

Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open When trying to access a directory with fs

I am not knowledgeable in nodejs or express, I have an API running on http://localhost:3000 and one of the endpoints call a function that uses file system to re

Maven Fatal error compiling: directory not found: maven-compiler-plugin

I am trying to run the official Java EE 7 Tutorial code examples and get the error. I have read about it here and most of the results say that you have to check

How to reference a html template from a different directory in python flask

@app.route('/view', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def view_notifications(): posts = get_notifications() return render_template("frontend/src/view_notificatio

VBA Outlook: How to get the smtp address of the selected folder account

I have different accounts in my Outlook. Depending on the currently selected folder, I would like to find the smtp Email address of the corresponding account. (

How to return the directory of the cpp file?

I am trying to return the path of the cpp file I am running. Does anyone know a method or a way to implement this? For example lets say I have this file test.cp

How to place a JSF flow in a subfolder?

I'm introducing a JSF Faces flow into my application. This works, following the oracle documentation. But, only in the root folder. Is it possible to place the

Creating a directory called 'con'

In the Ruby console, whenever I try to make a folder 'con', I get the following error: > FileUtils.mkdir_p('con/') Errno::ENOTDIR: Not a directory - con

Compute the size of directory in R

I want to compute the size of a directory in R. I tried to use the function, by unfortunably that follows the symbolic links so my results are biased:

Download whole folder from SourceForge

I need to download a project from SourceForge, but there is no easy visible way. Here, on this picture (linked down, not enough reputation), it is possible to

How to check if file is in folder and import it in Python

I am making a programming language in Python called Simpl-Py. I want to add the capability for users to create modules and import them into my language. Instead

Visual Studio: How to tell exe where to look for dll's?

I have a .lib included in my project (Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies) that makes my .exe build require a corresponding .dll to be provided with th

Project structure for PHP

I am new to PHP and want to know the directory structure for the php projects. I have experience in Java and in java we have src contains java source files, WEB