Category "concatenation"

ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 1,

I've got this error: ValueError: all the input array dimensions for the concatenation axis must match exactly, but along dimension 1, the array at index 0 has s

How to concatenate variables and strings as a full path for the "output file" of an ffmpeg command in a bash script

I'm trying to learn to bash scripting and I tried to use variables and arguments, etc. to specify a complex output file name to a ffmpeg command as follows : fo

TEXTJOIN string only for values matching Todays date

Sample Table Date Created (A) Tracking ID (B) 5/12/2022 '813vz633-7872' 5/12/2022 '914bz756-7423' 5/12/2022 '875vu340-5687' 5/11/2022 '475dv235-6542' 5/11/2022

TEXTJOIN string only for values matching Todays date

Sample Table Date Created (A) Tracking ID (B) 5/12/2022 '813vz633-7872' 5/12/2022 '914bz756-7423' 5/12/2022 '875vu340-5687' 5/11/2022 '475dv235-6542' 5/11/2022

add a column to data frame using pandas concatenation

I have "train_df" data frame which: print(train_df.shape) returns (997, 600). now I want to concatenate a column to this data frame which: print(len(local_

Reference JS object through concatenation

I am trying to call an object. The way I am currently doing it: var key = object_0 The way I'd like to do it var key = "object_" + questionId; But when

Is there a way to concatenate two arrays in Excel without VBA? [duplicate]

I am trying to create a formula that returns the concatenation of two arrays of different lengths. I need this concatenation for part of anoth

Concatenating or combining ZIP files using SFTP

I am uploading files over 100MB and I am choosing to zip the files, split the .zip and then transferring the file parts. Once transferred to the SFTP, I do not

How to append to a list in Terraform?

I have some code in the general form: variable "foo" { type = "list" default = [ 1,2,3 ] } resource "bar_type" "bar" { bar_field = "${}" } I wa

if statement inside concatenation

If the user is verified then a verified icon must be shown next to the comment author <?php if($data->verified): ?><i class="fa fa-check-circle">

Multiplying strings in bash script

I know that if I do print ("f" + 2 * "o") in python the output will be foo. But how do I do the same thing in a bash script?

Python file.write() is adding an extra newline after a variable in a concatenated string

I have been trying to solve this issue. I have written: file.write("pyautogui.write(" + "'" + textEntry + "'" + ")") but in the file that is written to, the fo

How to concatenate columns in a Postgres SELECT?

I have two string columns a and b in a table foo. select a, b from foo returns values a and b. However, concatenation of a and b does not work. I tried : sel

C++ concatenate two int arrays into one larger array

Is there a way to take two int arrays in C++ int * arr1; int * arr2; //pretend that in the lines below, we fill these two arrays with different //int values

Is there an equivalent to concat_ws in oracle?

I have a ton of columns I am trying to aggregate together and most of them have NULL values. I want to separate values that do appear with a ';' but I cannot fi

Python: Cut off the last word of a sentence?

What's the best way to slice the last word from a block of text? I can think of Split it to a list (by spaces) and removing the last item, then reconcatenat

How can I get the correct output in this program?

(1)Prompt the user to enter two words and a number, storing each into separate variables. Then, output those three values on a single line separated by a space.