Category ""

How can an authenticated user access the drive that is publicly accessible?

With this code, I am able to get the files that have been shared to the service account email. But, when I shared the folder (that was not owned by me, but is p

ASP.NET Core 5 MVC localization query string working but routing not working

In trying to localize my application, the query string localization has worked and accept language header also working, but routing is not working. Here is my c

Passing a large file stream to MultipartFormDataContent with HttpClient

I'm experiencing a problem when trying to use MultipartFormDataContent with HttpClient with a stream of data. Context I'm trying to upload a large file to ASP.N

Serilog logging to Azure eventhub stopped working after moving project to .Net Core 5

I have a .Net Core 3.1 project that uses Serilog and posts messages to Azure Eventhub. The problems started when we moved it to .Net 5. Here's how it's configur

HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core 5 app failed to start

I deploy a .NET Core 5 app with settings: And the website shows an error: HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start Common solutions to this issue:

ASP.NET Core 5 returning JSON adding $id and $values properties

I'm using ASP.NET Core 5. As below, I'm using System.Text.Json: public IActionResult Index() { var result = GetAllMenuItems(); return Ok(result); } The