Category "angular"

Ionic 3 Livereload not working on Android device

In one of my projects where the --livereload flag was working , suddenly the feature is not working but I see Launch Success message on my console. After launch

textarea does not update after typing in it

I'm having an issue where the textarea does not update as expected. Here is a screenshot of my webapp: When I click on any of the buttons "EN", "ZH", "JP", or

How can I resolve 401 unauthorized in angular?

I create .Net Core API and I configure the windows authentication. In my angular application I have to put in each request this option withCredentials : true. I

How to customize csv data in amcharts3 export function in Angular

I have 2 columns 1 with id and the other with a count. Now I want to add a column to display the percentage in the CSV and a heading for the file. data: [ { 0:

Customizing mat paginator

I am trying to build a list page which has large number of data items so I used mat-paginator for simplicity in reading. I tried to customize styles in mat-pagi

Customizing mat paginator

I am trying to build a list page which has large number of data items so I used mat-paginator for simplicity in reading. I tried to customize styles in mat-pagi

ag-grid column not automatically resizing in angular

I am trying to fix the sizing of the columns issue on the ag-grid in angular 7 application. I have been trying several options as suggested but not getting a so

How to find a specific ID from an Array of Objects in Angular View

I am building a shopping site and I want to switch a button Text from 'Add to cart' to 'In Cart' cart array is set in auth provider so it's accessible in all co

Spring Boot - The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values but expect only one

I read all posts on StackOverflow on this topic but did not find answer as they all are about difference scenario than mine. My spring boot API uses Spring Secu

Angular interceptor exclude specific urls

I am writing interceptors such that I don't have to handle the headers in every service calling my web api. The problem with this is that 99% of my calls requir

How can I call all the signal R events without explicitly invoking them using hubconnection.On method

We have a API with SignalR implementation for chat, reminder and so on. I want to invoke all of methods on my client portal that's on angular without passing hu

Angular Unit Test for Http Error Interceptor not working

I have following http error interceptor: @Injectable() export class HttpErrorInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor { constructor(private util: UtilService,

Not able to catch 401 status code in Angular 7 HTTP Interceptor

I am using Angular 7 and I have used HTTP Interceptor in my application. I am not able to track 401 status code in that HTTP Interceptor. I tried pitting cat

Angular 10 - Not to trigger (click) function on dragging

I have a div with an openlayers map like this: <div id="map" (click)="getInfo($event)" class="map"></div> I use dragging with my mouse to navigat

Angular drop down giving same value for other two options in mat form

I am trying to get selected option in angular through below code. But when I select 1 drop down option then other two gets same as shown in pic. How can I fix t

NullInjectorError: No provider for InjectionToken

I'm trying to insert the form data in cloud Firestore database. Below is my x.component.ts file in which I'm getting error at constructor where I'm writing priv

Ionic keyboard.isVisible property does not control element visibility properly

After many years of reading your answers I have my first question. SITUATION In Ionic Angular (v5.3.1) mobile application I'm trying to do simple task - hide el

Lazy Loading, no chunks - Angular 7

I'm trying to do Lazy Loading, and followed the steps in the official docs of angular. The problem is that there is no chunks that is showing. Is there any ste

display div on top of ngx-mapboxgl map

I'm trying to use ngx-mapbox-gl in an angular 7 app for the first time and am experiencing something strange with the map. I want to display some text and a but

Dualboot Angular13 and Angular1: cannot downgrade injectable services with parameters

I have dual boot with Angular 13 and Angular 1. The app is built with webpack v5. The tsconfig has key "emitDecoratorMetadata":true. After install I run NGCC on