Category "react-functional-component"

Some instances of a ReactJS component won't update

I'm developing a VOD app for TV and I'm having an issue with updating an element inside of a slide component. Basically, when a costumer focuses on any of the s

Call api before first render in functional component in React.js

If I want to call API after the first rendering of component, I know we have useEffect hook to call the API method. (I am talking about functional components on

React: How to solve 'Spread types may only be created from object'?

I am trying to create a handler method in React, but I'm getting a typescript error with spread operator. Could someone help with this error please? I did follo

React functional component - is it possible to pass props to { children }? [duplicate]

Workaround at the bottom of the question. I am trying to pass props down to a child component using {children}. The Father component: const Fa

React functional component - is it possible to pass props to { children }? [duplicate]

Workaround at the bottom of the question. I am trying to pass props down to a child component using {children}. The Father component: const Fa