Category "swagger-2.0"

Hide swagger bad response example model in net core 2.2

I upgrade my netcore 2.1 project to 2.2 and i have a problem with my swagger page. Previously in swagger bad response it only show "Bad Request" without the mo

401 unauthorized page for swagger?

I am enable swagger2 by @EnableSwagger2. However, when I try to hit "/swagger-ui.html", it first hit my Authentication Filter. Then, I wrote the following code

Unable to infer base url... springfox-swagger2 version 2.9.2

Version of springfox-swagger that I am using [ ![Download] 1]2 What kind of issue is this? Project structure: SwaggerConfig is in automate.api.config.swagger.Sw

Jwt authentication implement in swagger api?

Hi am using Swager APi with nodejs. I am new to this technology. i was facing issue in my code. Tried to implement JWT token auth but unfortunately i was stuck

Freeform subobject in json-schema

I am drafting an API documentation with and is trying to make it fit to our use case. The system is going to receive and process data from all source

Support multiple pathmapping in Swagger UI/Spring boot

I am using swagger 2.0 in a Spring boot(version 1.5.9.RELEASE) project. Swagger works fine but now documentation have hundreds of api and I want to redirect doc

enum of objects in swagger UI?

I have an enum of other definitions in my Swagger spec: "action": { "title": "Action", "description": "Action to apply to matching requests", "type": "ob

Swagger UI being blocked by Spring Security

I am trying to implement spring security with JWT token, I am trying to achieve authentication with method level authorization My configuration looks like this

How to overcome "Conflicting setter definitions for property "?

I use com.fasterxml.jackson and io.swagger libraries. In my REST endpoint I use org.javamoney.moneta.Money type for a GET query. When deploying the war i get f