Category "graalvm-native-image"

Is it possible to customize docker image generated with Spring Native (with buildpack)

I'm currently developping a Spring Native application, it's building using paketo buildpack and generating a Docker image. I was wondering if it's possible to c UnsupportedFeatureException: No instances of org.bson.BsonDocument are allowed in the image heap

Trying to create native image on micronaut application with Graal VM 22.1.0.r17 using gradle command as ./gradlew nativeCompile but getting an exception as Cau UnsupportedFeatureException: No instances of org.bson.BsonDocument are allowed in the image heap

Trying to create native image on micronaut application with Graal VM 22.1.0.r17 using gradle command as ./gradlew nativeCompile but getting an exception as Cau

Couldn't build application native image with GraalVM

I have built an API in Micronaut and trying to deploy in it GCP Cloud Run as a native graalVM image This is my Dockerfile # Stage 1: Build the JAR FROM gradle:j

Quarkus profile-aware config isn't used in native compilation

I'm using quarkus profile-aware files to set different property values for different profiles: quarkus.http.port=9090 # quarkus.http.port