Category "raspberry-pi"

Bluetooth on raspberry 4 without Linux

I'm working on non-Linux OS and now trying to enable bluetooth on Raspberry Pi 4. I have some necessary drivers such as: gpio, uart (pl011 and mini-uart), mailb

How do I Display Two Continous Data Stream into OpenCV.imshow()?

I have this project that combines two data from two different sensors, a TFLuna LiDAR and a Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2, for an Object Detection self driving

Bluetooth LE Scan in Python on Raspberry Pi

I am now writing Python scripts to collect BLE advertising packets near my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Currently, I am using bluepy for BLE scan, but the scanner sporadi

Selenium Chromedriver hangs at browser initialisation (browser = webdriver.Chrome()) w. Python on Raspberrry Pi3 / or crashes :c

Hello! I am not able to format below code as code lol: from selenium import webdriver browser = webdriver.Chrome() When doing this; I am getting: Traceback (mos

Openvas Setup Won't connect to

I'm a beginner here, I'm using a raspberry pi-4 running raspian OS. I'm trying to run sudo openvas-setup but it just fails to connect to over a

html page cant be opened in raspberry Pi

I'm making my first HTML page I have tried to do it on my computer and it loaded very fine, but when I do the same steps in my PI the HTML page won't load (i tr

LoadBalancer using Metallb on bare metal RPI cluster not working after installation

I'm fiddling around with my RPI cluster that I've setup using Kubeadm and I want to make LoadBalancers able to work on the cluster. The IPs for the nodes are st

How to get rid of TypeError?

Currently working on implementing Google Cloud storage on Raspberry Pi. Whenever I run my code, I get the error: TypeError: callback() takes 0 positional argume

Can't guess default raspberry password

I've been trying to establish ssh connection with my raspberry by adding config files (wpa_supplicant.conf, ssh) to boot section of sd card with raspberry OS. I

How to record real time data array to wav file python raspi?

I am newbie when it comes to realtime data array recording. Currently I have connected device ADS1263 High-Precision AD HAT and recieve raw data from 2 output t

Python script to check batterylevel on powerbank connected to Raspberry Pi

I have project that includes a Raspberry Pi connected to a powerbank as power source. In my python script I would like to check the battery status of the powerb

oauth2client.client.HttpAccessTokenRefreshError: invalid_grant: Invalid JWT

I am using Google Cloud Vision API on my Raspberry PI. It works fine when I use it on my home (on which the cloud account was first accessed) network but if I a

Communication between GrovePi vibration sensor and Raspberry pi

[code][1]I have a GrovePi to connect the vibration sensor to raspberry pi. I have downloaded the Groove software on my raspberry pi by using the following comma

Using a Raspberry Pi 4 to host react web app [closed]

I have some broad questions on the flow of how to set up my web app on Raspberry Pi. I've built a React App on my local PC, it hits up an node

Turn on/off local wifi device with bash script

I have a raspberry pi in my local wifi network. Also I bought smart socket which can be integrated with Alexa or Google Home Assistant. What is a best option t

Raspberry Pi - fbi process blocking Teamviewer

I might have a rare case, but at the moment I'm not able to find a solution for this problem. I've installed a RaspberryPi 3 in a local business to display imag

What's the right cmake command to cross-compile for Raspberry Pi from M1 Mac?

My title seems general but I need to compile a project for my Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to use Telegram's Bot API server on it, but it takes a lot of time to comp

Raspberry Pi SSH permission denied

I went through existing threads and was unable to find a solution for my issue. I am using Raspberry Pi 2 model B and am able to use it by connecting to Displ

How to build ffmpeg with hardware decoding support for raspberry pi? (cross compilation if possible)

Is it possible to build ffmpeg with decoding support for Raspberry Pi? I've read that mmal can do hardware accelerated decoding on the Raspberry Pi. I've tried

How do I use the data from subscribe part (mqtt)

I am now doing a robot and I use mqtt to communicate between raspi and computer. Now, I want to use the string I have published from the computer. but I don't k