Category "raspberry-pi"

Cannot install mediapipe package in Pycharm terminal or Package installer

I am trying to use Mediapipe with python. I originally tried mediapipe-rpi4 which did install successfully. But when I run it I get this error message Traceback

ImportError: No module named 'board' (AdaFruit)

I run the setup from this website to get my arduino to use AdaFruit LEDs. And also run: sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel I then made this py

GStreamer warning when running OpenCV on Ubuntu

I'm trying to get a script running on my raspberry pi (Ubuntu system). Right now, I was just refreshing myself on the basics of opencv, since it's been a little

python raspberry camera settings for night

I have here my perfect setup for my raspberry video. raspivid -fps 25 -sh 0 -co 50 -br 50 -sa 0 -ISO 800 -ev +2 -ex auto -awb auto -mm average -n -b 2000000 -w

Pi4j to use java with raspberry Pi not working

I am honestly about to just give up, i've tried so many different possibilities, for multiple weeks now, almost a month, of multiple problems. I am a new-ish pr

Makefile won't compile anything other than "kernel.c"

I've been trying to compile an OS however whenever I attempt to compile it using the make file it only compiles "kernel.c" and I can't seem to figure out why. I

GPIO-Input on raspberry

I try to program a timer: run down from 15 to 0 Space breaks/reset the timer Space starts the timer. Everyting works with keyboard. But I try to use the Raspber

How to set up Raspberry Pi 4B as a I2C slave

I'm trying to set up a RPi 4B to work as an I2C slave with PSoC (4.4) - CY8C5888LTI-LP097. Below is my code to set up the slave address on the Pi. import pigpio

Run python script from HTML button

I have a code to display the live camera footage on a HTML and I would like to have a button that allows users to ring the rpi buzzer. However, the buzzer butto

Terminate sudo python script when the terminal closes

How can I tell if the terminal running my python script was closed? I want to safely end my python script if the user closes the terminal. I can catch SIGHUP wi

ALSA - Retrieving audio buffer timestamps

I have a simple C program that plays audio using the ALSA APIs and I wish to know the precise timing of the audio buffers. I am attempting to retrieve the time

4G USB Dongle Auto Reconnect / Auto Recover

I have a Raspberry Pi with a 4G USB dongle connected to it for internet access. Everything works on power-up, everything auto-connects and connectivity is estab

I'm getting an error importerror /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version glibc_2.29' not found what should I do?

While I run my python code in raspberry pi 3b+ I'm getting: importerror /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version glibc_2.29' not found error what should I

Chromium Auto Refresh command line

Using a digital signage setup on my raspberry pi with raspian OS. Currently have the webpage displayed and full screen however, after 20 minutes it stops reload

How do I connect a WiFi AP to an OVS bridge?

I have a Raspberry Pi where eth0 was attached to an OVS bridge and a client connected to eth0 and then through there to OVS and thence onwards. However, I'm now

Python OpenCV streaming from camera - multithreading, timestamps

I ran simple python script on Raspberry Pi 3. This script is responsible to open video device and stream data (800x600) to HTTP endpoint using MJPEG. When I rec

Remote debugging configuration: Java on Netbeans 12

I can successfully deploy and develop java projects remotely from a Windows machine on a RaspberryPi (Raspian). My IDE is Netbeans 12.6 which comes with the opt

Access point doesn't start with Raspberry Pi 3 built-in Wi-Fi

I have Raspberry Pi 3 and I use it as a Wi-Fi access point. I use Raspberry Pi 3 built-in Wi-Fi adapter for this. Until today, the access point worked. Today

Trouble transitioning to multiprocessing python code to cython

I'm running a program that takes real time data on a Raspberry pi 4. Because the program is quite demanding, the different functionalities are separated into th

Bill Acceptor to Raspberry Pi 3 (Python)

I want to connect my Bill Acceptor to the Raspberry Pi 3 and read a pulse. Is there any one who knows or have any idea how to make sure the raspberry pi reads t