Category "testcafe"

Testcafe request with cookies

I am trying to find a method in testcafes API similar to Cypress' request. Cypress' request will attach any cookies to the request that already exist in the b

How to run multiple tests under same fixture with same browser session

I am trying to test multiple features in one test.js file with each feature implemented as a test. All these tests can be run only after login to the portal. Te

Check TestCafe is running

I use TestCafe for testing a website. I use the testcafe inside my node module. Users can start the test out of the node presented website. I start it with:

How to slow down test execution in TestCafe?

I want to check UI test execution written by another developer. It is too fast for my eyes and brain to catch what is happening. How do I slow down the executio

TestCafe Requires Permission To Record Screen but permission is already granted on MAC

I have two TestCafe projects, when I tried to run the old one, it continuously requires Permission to record screen but permission is already granted. The new t

In TestCafe, is there a way to run an assertion that passes if the selector matches if 1 of 2 possible values?

Right now have I a test with an assertion that checks for today's date. However, because of time zone issues, it will start failing at a certain time of day, be

Alpine Docker ERROR: Unable to lock database: Permission denied ERROR: Failed to open apk database: Permission denied

So I have used the default docker for testcafe which on docker hub is testcafe/testcafe and I have to run a few testcafe scripts. However, I need the screens

Force a TestCafé to abort the execution of a test if it get stuck

I am working with TestCafé 1.8.1 and testcafe-browser-provider-electron 0.0.14. Let's say that an issue in the application force it to get stuck and hang

How can I make my TestCafe framework handle A/B experiments on web apps?

I have built an automation framework for testing our web app that runs as after each new deploy to our staging environment, as a regression pack. Now the issue

Assert if there exist a td DOM with a specific text in testcafe

I just started using testcafe, so far I found the documentation helpful to do my test and automate my E2E. I want to assert if a value exists in a td like this