Category "bundler"

How to expose a class to the global scope with esbuild?

Update user @TKoL suggested defining a property in the window object. This produces the result I wanted to achieve, although I do not know if it is the correct

Error: Could not find sqlite3-1.4.0 in any of the sources

I'm currently trying to get a run.rb file going, but I keep getting errors with sqlite3. When I type bundle install, I get this success message: Fetching gem m

bundler is complaining about stringio, but I don't even have that in my Gemfile.lock

I’m building a Rails app and trying to start my unicorn server (using a script that calls unicorn on /usr/local/rvm/wrappers/cfs-web/unicorn) and

Best practice to publish src folder that contains esm modules

Consider this package.json: { "main": "./index.js", "name": "@myorg/foo", "scripts": { "build": "babel src -d dist --delete-dir-on-start --source-maps

You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.3.0 directory

I have ruby installed on my ubuntu 16.04. $which ruby /usr/bin/ruby $ruby -v ruby 2.3.0p0 (2015-12-25) [x86_64-linux-gnu] $gem install bundler ERROR:

PARCEL ERROR : unable to deserialize cloned data due to invalid or unsupported version

i have my daily problem right now. i run an oracle virtual machine with npm on my terminal, and PARCEL bundler to compile my css. when i try to launch it to get

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "bundler":

Complete new person to Ruby and Rails here... Have tried some tutorials in the past, but that's about it. I'm trying to follow 'Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial' book

An error occurred while installing unf_ext (, and Bundler cannot continue

I was trying to install diaspora into localhost. I removed the Gemfile.lock file and tried bundle install and am seeing this. These are the things I already tr