Category "na"

Summing NAs in each row in a new column

for (i in 1:nrow(survey_clean)) { for(j in 1:ncol(survey_clean)) { survey_clean$invalid_answers[i] <- sum(survey_clean$old_col == survey_clean$ol

ifelse is giving me NAs when I want 0s

I am trying to create a variable using ifelse, and would like the column to be 0 when the condition is not true, but they are showing up as NA. Any tips? df$z &

Exchange NA with mean of previous and next value

I searched for an answer to how to exchange NAs with the mean of the previous and next values in a DataFrame for specifically one column. But I didn't find an a

Recode values by function()

I have one quest (pretty short). I shoud recode variebles with function(). I tried some, but it doesn't work still. It should work with this: recode.numeric(x =

data partitionning function CreateDataPartition cross validation problem

I am trying to get predictions of a multiple variables model, its eplt, its made of 7 scores and one final exam score moy_exam2, I want to predict the later usi

Replace_na with map function

penguins %>% map(~replace_na(list(.=0))) Why the code above didnt work to replace na in the dataset penguins? The result is below # A tibble: 8 x 1 .

How to replace a value with NA across an entire dataframe

Is there any way to replace all the "-95" that can possibly exist in a dataframe with NA across all the columns?

Impute missing data in multivariate time series

I have a problem where I have to predict the sales of 4000 products in 3 months for a certain store. Within the 4000 time series I have many null values and esp

error: 'predictions' contains NA while predict landuse change using glm model (lulcc package) in R

I made a prediction model for land use change using the lulcc package in R. Prediction was done using glm. When I did the glm.pred (the last line), there was an

Replace NA only within specific range of time series object

I have the following data stored as zoo object: A B C 2017-05-31 NA NA 3.1 2017-06-30 2.5 2.4 3.2 2017-07-

Why is my risk ratio reported to be 1 with NA-NA confidence interval?

I am trying to calculate the risk ratio for coinfection using the code: *NET_post4['VCandShig']<-NA NET_post4$VCandShig <- ifelse(NET_post4$VC=="Negative

How to avoid gaps due to missing values in matplot in R?

I have a function that uses matplot to plot some data. Data structure is like this: test = data.frame(x = 1:10, a = 1:10, b = 11:20) matplot(test[,-1]) matlin

Removing NAs from two columns in data frame a shift up

I have this data frame atac.v1.pbmc.5k.possorted.bam.bam possorted.bam.bam chr1.9941.10736 NA

Correlation problems with two variables WITH NA

I have two variables and I want to know if they are correlated, I have them distributed like this: X = 14,15,16,18,12,13,14,15 Y = NA, 13,12, NA, NA, 16,16, NA

How to exclude NA values in lm function (regression)?

I am doing a regression analysis with 70 countries. My dependent variable is 'Inequality' and my independent variable is 'Sanction'. My original columns look as

How to use na.omit with ggplot

The image shows the database, it starts with day 0 and ends with day 14. In between these, there are empty values for what I am plotting. I am unable to correc

Warning message: 'newdata' had 20 rows but variables found have 1000 rows

#This is my model linearMod <- lm( Housing_Training$SalePrice ~ Housing_Training$MSSubClass + Housing_Training$LotFrontage + Housing_Training$LotArea + Hous

Changing a value to N/A

I did a questionnaire research where some of the answers were "I don't know" and "I don't want to answer". Now I need to change those answering options to "N/A"

Why is SparkR-dropna not giving me the desired output?

I have applied the following code on airquality dataset available in R, which has some missing values. I want to omit the rows which has NAs library(SparkR) Sys

How to connect across multiple consecutive missing data values using geom_line?

I have a similar problem to Q: Connecting across missing values with geom_line, but found the answers provided only connect the lines when there is one missing