Category "parsing"

How do I fetch and parse JSON data to Google Sheets Script?

EDIT*** Modified the question now that I have a proper source... I am trying to copy a communication log to Google Sheets and don't know enough about scripting

Map object not setting values after execution of function

I have a function below where the purpose is to parse multiple local csv files. For each parsed csv file, I then grab 1-5 random elements. Since the CSV parser

ValueError: Ran into a $end where it wasn't expected - RPLY Parsing

I'm trying to create a parser for a basic interpreted language. When I run my program I get the following error: ValueError: Ran into a $end where it wasn't exp

Skip over input stream in ATLAST forth

I'm trying to implement a kind of "conditional :" in ATLAST, the reasoning being I have a file that gets FLOADed multiple times to handle multiple steps of my p

StackOverflowError was thrown building HeroControllerScope, flutter

I have a very large project in flutter which is connected with back4app i did some little changes last, it was working good today am trying to open my project i

Parsing JSON data and display it as a table

How do I to get the first timestamp value off of the first row using C# and Newtonsoft.Json? How do I display this data in a table with headers beaId, bfiId, ti

Parsing the firebase private key on AWS Elastic beanstalk

I am moving my firebase authenticated node.js application from Heroku to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. The private key is not parsing correctly. It is having trouble u

AWK remove query params from URL

I have access.log file with >1m lines. The exaple of line: - - [27/May/2016:03:36:26 +0200] "POST /index.php?option=com_jce&task=plugin&

Parse JSON String into a Particular Object Prototype in JavaScript

I know how to parse a JSON String and turn it into a JavaScript Object. You can use JSON.parse() in modern browsers (and IE9+). That's great, but how can I t

Parsing Nested JSON within Flutter

I am trying to parse nested JSON from the VirusTotal API but when ran it comes back as this error, I tried a different method found in

Windows CMD life parsing (reading) and filter output with Python

I open CMD in Windows, go to C:\Users\OM\Downloads\DCS-COINS\Munt.G_DCS-COINS\ and there run command DCS-COINS -v and then I get instantly moving lines with inf

Parsing JSON in React Native

I am currently using Google Firebase Firestore as a REST API. I feel like I am missing something quite basic as I am having a difficult time displaying data. I

Python Pandas ParserError: Error tokenizing data c error with Very Large Dataset

I am new to python so thank you for your patience with me. I am in the process of converting a very large txt file to a csv file in python so I can use it in my

Parsing JSON messages in C++

I am writing an embedded C++ MQTT application which subscribes to topics and receives messages every few seconds. I need to parse the received String message an

Fluentbit nested json parsing

I have the following log { "log": { "header": { "key": "value", "nested": "{\"key1\":\"value\",\"key2\":\"value\"}", "dateTime": "2019-

Flutter Convert Future<object> to Map<String, dynamic> [duplicate]

I need to make HTTP Post JSON request but first i need to Get 3 different JSONs and make 1 of them. I thought better way to do this is to work

How to parse/pipe cmd line output using Powershell to an object

I have an *.exe that outputs this data when I run this PowerShell command: & $myExe list Where $myExe is something like C:\Temp\MyExe.exe and list is an a

CsvHelper mapping issue

I have a question related to CsvHelper library and I cannot figure out how to map a csv file to the following MyClass object. the csv file look like: id, Proper

jq how to pass json keys from a shell variable

I have a json file I am parsing with jq. This is a sample of the file [{ "key1":{...}, "key2":{...} }] [{ "key1":{...}, "key2":{...} }] ... each line is a list

Find the maximum value from JSON data in Scala

I am very new to programming in Scala. I am writing a test program to get maximum value from JSON data. I have following code: import import sc