Category "substring"

How to substitute alternate positions in a string using awk

I have a lookup file that I use to search the available records in file_2 and if such records are present then replace those records with #. Currently my code i

Python : Extract mails from the string of filenames

I want to get the mail from the filenames. Here is a set of examples of filenames : string1 = "[email protected]_2022-05-11T11_59_58+00_00.pdf" strin

How to separate letters and digits from a string in php

I have a string which is combination of letters and digits. For my application i have to separate a string with letters and digits: ex:If my string is "12jan"

Does Python have a string 'contains' substring method?

I'm looking for a string.contains or string.indexof method in Python. I want to do: if not somestring.contains("blah"): continue