In my app I use FutureBuilder extensively and I would like a generic behaviour when one of them fails. I am trying this setup WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureIniti
W/Choreographer(11277): Frame time is 13.988632 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. This is t
I can set breakpoints, but when I run in Debug mode the breakpoint's icon change with this: I think that the problem is the new version of Flutter plugin in An
I made a simple chat app using Flutter. My app is functioning perfectly fine (getting and dumping data into firebase) but once my messages get into my database,
I am new to flutter. I got a Drawer Menu but there is a little gap between user information side and menu items section. drawer menu user information side impo
I have wondered if there is a way in which I can read Twitter hashtags in a flutter, I have seen many apps using that, so in flutter can I have Twitter API whic
hi guys I'm using the flutter GetX package to change my app ThemeMode. it works fine but the problem is it needs a hot reload to change the ThemeMode here is my
I want to center all grid button inside red container but it is showing big space at bottom of red to solve this Widget build(BuildContext contex
I have a normal TextField that I want some shadow on it but I haven't found the solution to this problem. My TextField has the maxLength property so I have a sm
I am able to run the app in Debug mode in XCODE and simulator without any errors. But when I build for Release Mode the build fails with below 2 errors: 'Fireb
Before deploying my Flutter app, I wanted to test it on multiple screen sizes to check if there is any Renderflex overflow for smaller screens. But I when first
I want to understand for myself how to generate USDT ERC20 wallet in dart language. I found the web3dart library. But what does it take to generate a koschel us
ive basically got an rflutter alert that looks like this Alert( context: context, title: "GAME OVER", desc: "Youve got $correct/13, try again?
I have seen many questions similar to mine in Stack Overflow but it did not fit my case since they were asking to call function from - to Stateful widget. I wan
I have a little question. How can we create parallel tasks for bloc events? Let's suppose I have a object list and I'm trying to do something with each one of t
**/C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Method not found: 'guardWebExceptions'. re
I'm trying to customize the carousel_slider package. The expected output should be like this: But right now, I have an output like this: I want to hide the ri
I am using flutter_local_notifications library to schedule local notifications every 1 hour. It is working as expected but now, I need a way to start/ stop the
I created a program to create tasks, everything works as it should, I made such options as validation, deleting the task, changing the theme. But the problem is
I tried running the command 'flutter' in cmd. I am getting this error please resolve it. fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the w