Category "flutter"

Add one flutter app to another existing flutter app

Is there any way to merge a smaller flutter app to another flutter app? I'm finding ways to merge the flutter app to a native android app, but can we do it to a

Can i avoid this error. E/InputMethodManager: Failed to get fallback IMM with expected .flutter.plugins.webviewflutter.InputAwareWebView

I'm Using the flutter_tex library flutter_tex flutter_tex: ^3.6.7+10 I want to release the app in the play store. My app is running fine. But I'm getting thi

Flutter: Missing Plugin Exception Raised when running release builds of android app

Issue I am currently working on an app which uses multiple packages. The app works like a charm in both debug and profile modes. But when I get the release buil

Flutter how to create responsive Text widget?

I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do them responsive for different screen sizes (only phones and

how can I make scrollable and responsive screen flutter

I have implemented a login screen using flutter. the screen is fully functional and working properly with validations. I want this screen to be scrollable and

How to get substring between two strings in DART?

How can i achieve similar solution to: How to get a substring between two strings in PHP? but in DART For example I have a String:String data = "the quick brow

How to change the application language with BlockBuilder?

The application needs to implement language switching at runtime. Wrote a bloc with event and state and called BlocBuilder in main.dart. But I don't know how to

Could not create task ... this and base files have different roots

I've built an app with Android Studio and Flutter and wanted to generate a signed APK. When I go to Tools->Flutter->Open Android module in Android Studio,

Flutter desktop - drop out files

I use this plugin to drag files from desktop to my flutter app: There is any plugin to do the opposite? So drop out from m

Is it possible to share your location through flutter app

I built an app in flutter, dart to access the location of the user. I now want to share the current physical location of the user via Whatsapp, email etc but no

How to encrypt a string and decrypt this encrypted string in other device in flutter?

I found encrypt package for flutter to encrypt and decrypt a message, I succeded to encrypt and decrypt but don't succeded to use this in a cas of separated d

Flutter, how to handle keyboard shortcuts

wanna implement keyboard shortcuts into web app, found this example but it doesn't work as expected. Would like action to occur every time I hold down alt and t

Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:androidJdkImage

I am trying to build flutter apk on debug mode from android studio. Flutter run I get this error: Launching lib/main.dart on sdk gphone x86 arm in debug mode...

Flutter error: No profiles for ‘xxx’ were found: Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘xxx’

I am trying to test a Flutter app on an iPhone but I am getting the error shown below, This error happens during a build step. error: No profiles for

Class 'SliverMultiBoxAdaptorElement' has no instance method 'basename'

I am applying photo filter to an image but getting this error. I am not sure how to get basename from path_provider. Unhandled Exception: NoSuchMethodError: Cla

Flutter Search bar in ActionBar like yelp app

I am trying to build an application location base and I want a search bar like this image shows. That search bar should be able search for locations and text. D

Create a Flutter module for desktop apps

Currently, when running the command flutter create -t module --org com.example app we are able to generate a Flutter module which we can add to a host parent ap

VS Code and Flutter/Dart, Widget Autocomplete not working

I'm working with some tutorials to learn Flutter and the one that I'm taking now uses VSCode. I actually prefer it to Android Studio because it doesn't overhea

Paginated Data Table not filtering properly

I've created a Paginated Datatable in flutter and using GetX Obx(() => PaginatedDataTable( source:, columns: getColumns

'RenderBox was not laid out' when using ExpansionPanelList

I want to show a GridView on the left and a ExpansionPanelList on the right. I put them in a Row Widget but it did not work, error is : Assertion failed: D:\&he