Category "flutter"

Flutter FutureBuilder exceptions: add default behaviour

In my app I use FutureBuilder extensively and I would like a generic behaviour when one of them fails. I am trying this setup WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureIniti

W/Choreographer(11277): Frame time is 13.988632 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase

W/Choreographer(11277): Frame time is 13.988632 ms in the future! Check that graphics HAL is generating vsync timestamps using the correct timebase. This is t

Breakpoints not working with Flutter in Android Studio

I can set breakpoints, but when I run in Debug mode the breakpoint's icon change with this: I think that the problem is the new version of Flutter plugin in An

Flutter Firebase documents are randomly ordered

I made a simple chat app using Flutter. My app is functioning perfectly fine (getting and dumping data into firebase) but once my messages get into my database,

Drawer Menu Shows Gaps

I am new to flutter. I got a Drawer Menu but there is a little gap between user information side and menu items section. drawer menu user information side impo

how to read Twitter hash tags in Flutter?

I have wondered if there is a way in which I can read Twitter hashtags in a flutter, I have seen many apps using that, so in flutter can I have Twitter API whic

Flutter GetX Changing Theme needs Hot Reload?

hi guys I'm using the flutter GetX package to change my app ThemeMode. it works fine but the problem is it needs a hot reload to change the ThemeMode here is my

How to center grid button inside red container

I want to center all grid button inside red container but it is showing big space at bottom of red to solve this Widget build(BuildContext contex

How do I add shadow to a TextField when having a maxLength or minLength property?

I have a normal TextField that I want some shadow on it but I haven't found the solution to this problem. My TextField has the maxLength property so I have a sm

'FirebaseCore/FirebaseCore.h' file not found while building for Release Mode in Xcode Version 11.5 (11E608c)

I am able to run the app in Debug mode in XCODE and simulator without any errors. But when I build for Release Mode the build fails with below 2 errors: 'Fireb

Flutter Widget test cannot emulate different screen size properly

Before deploying my Flutter app, I wanted to test it on multiple screen sizes to check if there is any Renderflex overflow for smaller screens. But I when first

Create USDT Wallet on ERC20 Dart

I want to understand for myself how to generate USDT ERC20 wallet in dart language. I found the web3dart library. But what does it take to generate a koschel us

how to prevent rflutter_alert from closing when clicked outside

ive basically got an rflutter alert that looks like this Alert( context: context, title: "GAME OVER", desc: "Youve got $correct/13, try again?

How to call function from Stateful widget

I have seen many questions similar to mine in Stack Overflow but it did not fit my case since they were asking to call function from - to Stateful widget. I wan

Dart how to create parallel operations for Bloc Events?

I have a little question. How can we create parallel tasks for bloc events? Let's suppose I have a object list and I'm trying to do something with each one of t

Flutter app running on web failing with error:

**/C:/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: Method not found: 'guardWebExceptions'. re

How to customize the carousel_slider in flutter?

I'm trying to customize the carousel_slider package. The expected output should be like this: But right now, I have an output like this: I want to hide the ri

How to unschedule previously scheduled local notifications after some time?

I am using flutter_local_notifications library to schedule local notifications every 1 hour. It is working as expected but now, I need a way to start/ stop the

how to store tasks in temporary storage in flutter (use Shared preferences or something similar)

I created a program to create tasks, everything works as it should, I made such options as validation, deleting the task, changing the theme. But the problem is

error "fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the working tree"?

I tried running the command 'flutter' in cmd. I am getting this error please resolve it. fatal: ambiguous argument 'HEAD': unknown revision or path not in the w