Category "flutter"

showing 1 data from Sqlflite flutter

So i want to make a delete button, so the user could delete those data according to the data they choose to see. Each time the data on the sqflite were added th

How to Sending sms and email using Dart (Flutter)?

I am trying to build and app in flutter which sends email and SMS. Purpose is to reset password (forgot Password). But I am not able to find a suitable package

Overwrite file if it already exist in flutter

Is there a way to overwrite a file's content if it already exists? For example, with the following, we write "Hello World" and follow by "Sup?". The result of

Visibility vs Offstage vs Opacity, which is best in hiding a child from widget tree?

From this thread I found that there are many ways of hiding a widget from the tree hierarchy. Like using: Visibility: Visibility( visible: false, child:

Is it possible to convert CSS code to dart code

There is a website called framer[] which lets you to create layouts and UIs and the site will generate the CSS code for the layout which you creat

Flutter Animated Positioned with Text Child Sliding onto the Screen

I'm new to animations in flutter and I am running into this weird error on my text/button animation. So I'm trying to build an app page where on click of a but

Unicode Normalization not appropriate for ASCII-8BIT

13: from /usr/local/bin/pod:23:in `<main>' 12: from /usr/local/bin/pod:23:in `load' 11: from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.6.0/gems/cocoapods-1.11.0.beta.2/bin/pod

Flutter-How do I switch from login screen to home and back? Back-end works but can't show screen without manually refresh

1.this is the main entry void main() { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); StorageUtil.getInstance(); runApp(MaterialApp(home: MyApp()));

Check or listen continuously to internet connection/Network Connectivity in dart, flutter app

I have been searching for long to know the best approach to listen to internet connection in flutter/dart app. I think this approach is better for now and it ca

Scrollable SelectableText when selecting text from bottom autoscrolls to top of widget

As shown above when selecting text from a scrollable SelectableText Widget it auto scrolls to top initially. Expected behavior is scroll remains in the bottom

How can i specify channel for only two person to have video call using agora

i have read a lot of agora docs but couldn't find my need . when i need to have new agora account so i will get token and appid and channel name now i noticed w

how to create time slots in flutter/dart

I'm trying to create a list of time slots for building an appointment-related app. For example, build-time slots from 8 AM TO 10 PM with a 30-minute gap between

Flutter provider installation error while running pub get

I am trying to install provider(flutter package) but getting an error message when trying to run $ pub get : enter image description here Provider Package inst

use getx in flutter datatable's datasource instead of stateful widget

I tried to change rowCount dynamically using Getx in flutter's Datatable DataSource, but it didn't change when I surrounded it with obx. If I check with ever ()

iOS App sometimes crashes on Release Mode (EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV))

Currently experiencing a problem where the app sometime crashes only in release mode. Any ideas on how to decode the IOS Crash log, i've attached a small sectio

Use Navigator upon push notification opening in Flutter

I?m using Firebase Cloud Messaging to send push notifications to my flutter app through a cloud function, and within the notification I'm adding data which will

refresh data on home page using future builder on button click - flutter

i have an app with two screens, home and update page. The home page displays a list of items and the update page updates the items. I am having difficulties re

Flutter run takes too much time after editing MainActivity.kt

I was running some flutter project from github but the runnig taking too much time and showing some cryptic things in console like, lib\main.dart:1 √ Bui

Change text colour of focused item in DropdownMenuButton in Flutter

The focused item in the dropdown menu is highlighted in the accent/secondary colour from the theme (example to show the highlight). However, if the highlight co

Because project requires SDK version >=2.14.0 <3.0.0, version solving failed even though Dart SDK version is

I want to make use of typedefs for variables in Dart thus I am trying to update minimum dart version to 2.14.0. When I change environment to environment: sdk: