Category "flutter"

Best way to trigger viewModel reload in Stacked Architecture

I am using the Stacked architecture in a Flutter app. I have two views - ScoresPage and NewScorePage, each with their own ViewModel. Scores are stored in the da

Wrapping text inside a circle (Flutter)

is it possible to wrap text inside a circle in Flutter? Here is a failed example. Ideally the text would fit inside the circle and overflow at the end only. Cl

Vertical divider inside ListTile header

I am attempting to add vertical divider between the leading portion and the title of a ListTile. I understand that Flutter now has a VerticalDivider widget,

IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET is set to 8.0 Xcode 12 (Flutter)

I run my Flutter project in Android Studio, pod installation goes well but Xcode build fails at the end every time like 20/30 steps first of complete the whole

In Flutter, why does the DraggableScrollableSheet show blank space when there are less children?

I want the DraggableScrollableSheet to stop moving up when there are less items in the ListView. Instead, blank space is created underneath to fill the entire s no such file or directory. Do I need to create this file?

My Flutter Project won't run on the ios simulator and is throwing this error: Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone Xʀ in debug mode... Running Xcode build...

Flutter Web Page Refresh and 404 Not Found Error

In the main method i used UrlStrategy package as seen in the below because i don't want # in my urls: void main() { setPathUrlStrategy(); runApp(const MyApp

Unable to read a file in local directory with Flutter

I'm creating an app that writes a file into local directory and needs to access it later. One problem: when I try to read the file, the process never ends (and

BeamGuard, Provider, and Three Error Messages. (does not redirect properly, when hot-reload, 3 error messages)

Here's my _routerDelegate: final _routerDelegate = BeamerDelegate( initialPath: '/', locationBuilder: BeamerLocationBuilder( beamLocations: [ Home

Avoid `print` calls in production code. (Documentation)

I started seeing this warning in all my print statements. print('Foo'); // Warning: Avoid `print` calls in production code.

flutter passing multiple data with getx

I want to Pass multiple data from one screen to another screen with Get package., arguments: ["First data", "Second data"]);

Should you use "extends" or "with" keyword for ChangeNotifier? - Flutter

I have seen several examples of a model extending ChangeNotifier using both 'extends' and 'with' keywords. I am not sure what the difference is. class myModel

my flutter IOS project showing error "clang: error: no such file or directory: 'UserNotifications' Command Ld failed with a nonzero exit code"

Showing Recent Messages Ld /Users/shibi/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Runner-abrxzfquusadvleimfabdvpysbkr/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/

I want to send a verification link to users email without using firebase authentication [Flutter]

A website is already made up and I have to make application of that website using flutter but the website is not using Firebase authentication and sending email

How to change the textStyle of Stepper in Flutter?

I have a Stepper and I am trying to change the color and textStyle inside the Step (yellow circle) widget (i.e: 1,2,3) from white to black. This is my code: The

This is a most likely a transient condition and may be corrected by retrying with a backoff

I'm using firebase in my project and i got some issues mentioned below - [cloud_firestore/unavailable] The service is currently unavailable. This is a most like

is there any way to store data in sqflite and when data connection is available upload the data to online mongodb server

Hey friends I want to know a way in which I can store the app data in offline mode and when the data connection is available then the app sync the data to my on

Flutter GS-128, CODE-128, EAN-128 barcode reader

Which the best library in Flutter to read UDIGI 2.0 medical device codes ? All libraries I use, like: 'package:flutter_barcode_scanner/flutter_barcode_scanner.d

I Can't get flutter camera plugin to work from a second screen

I have been trying to get the flutter camera plugin to work for almost a week now but I couldn't. Every time the camera is not initialized no matter what workar

Null safety migration error: package has unmigrated dependencies. But all my dependencies declare support for null-safety

Im trying to migrate dart null safety but I get the following error when I run dart migrate Bad state: Error: package has unmigrated dependencies. Before migra