Category "prometheus-alertmanager"

Alerts firing on Prometheus but not on Alertmanager

I can't seem to find out why Alertmanager is not getting alerts from Prometheus. I would appreciate a swift assistance on this challenge. I'm fairly new with us

PromQL. How to add label value from different metric

If I have two metrics: kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total {..., pod="my_pod_name_42", ...} and container_memory_usage_bytes {..., pod_name="my_pod_nam

Multiple Targets on prometheus

I've configured prometheus on Centos, version details are follows. prometheus-2.5.0.linux-386 I've added two targets on the prometheus.yml configuration file

Prometheus - Expression under annotations

I want to send an email alert (I have a custom template) that looks like this: Description = Disk is almost full: < 20% left Summary = Volume D: on 192.168.1

How to create an alert for a pod running status in Prometheus

I have deployed prometheus, node exporter and alert manager on kubernetes and I am trying to create an alert rule to check if any specific pod is running or not

automation alertmanager receivers

Good afternoon, maybe someone came across the automation of filling in receivers in alertmanager from custom pod annotations? I mean, i want alermanager take re

automation alertmanager receivers

Good afternoon, maybe someone came across the automation of filling in receivers in alertmanager from custom pod annotations? I mean, i want alermanager take re

How to configure alerts in Prometheus for diskspace

We have prometheus running on Win Server box, and WMI exporter on a separate box(client). Able to read client metrics in Prometheus. Now the requirement is the

Prometheus Alert Manager - CPU high not alerting

I configured prometheus alert manager, but he is not alerting when the CPU of one of my server goes to 99% of usage. This is the alert : - alert: HostHighCpuLoa

Use conditional operator in Prometheus alert rules to set severity

I would like to use the conditional operator into the Prometheus alert.rules definition to set a specific severity. For instance, if the environment is producti

Prometheus alertmanager persistent storage with docker

For some reason I can't get persistent storage to work with alertmanager. This is my compose: alertmanager: image: 'my/alertmanager/prod:latest' resta

How to set Prometheus Alertmanager externalURL and generatorURL via configuration

How to set externalURL and generatorURL? Is it possible to set the URL via configuration file or environment variable? Who can help me?

Why Alertmanager failed to send alerts to slack

I have created alerts, that fires and can be seen in Alertmanager. So previously I was able to get notifications to the Slack channel. I don't know what caused

scrape interval and evaluation interval in prometheus

My scrape interval and evaluation interval are way off from each other as whown below (15s vs 4m). When I feed metrics to the endpoint, I find that the rules ar

How to set Prometheus Alertmanager external URL via configuration

I'm using a vanilla Docker container to start an Alertmanager. As far as I know, I cannot provide the external URL via parameter in this case, so I have to find

Is there a way to produce an alert when an IIS site goes down using Prometheus?

I have a few IIS sites I would like to monitor using Prometheus. Specifically monitor and alert on outages. I cannot figure out how to grab a metric when a site

CPU Load average rule for 5 minutes

We are using Prometheus-Grafana. Now we want to set alert for CPU load average of 5 minutes. We have 60 servers which have different CPU core like few machine