Category "emacs"

Emacs lisp, How to make a newline in IELM?

Even the basic things seem to be hidden behind weird shortcut-combinations. How can I (hopefully without too many c-m-x-c combinations) create a simple new line

facing an issue while executing ethernet example given in espressif IDF release/v4.2

problem: I have used espressif esp32s ethernet example trying to build basic and build is successfuly generated now while executing it is throwing error as giv

Emacs Dired not working - Searching for program: no such file or directory, ls

When I open emacs, and type C-x C-f RET, the minibuffer says Searching for program: no such file or directory, ls This also happens when I press return after h

When reading a file in emacs, how can I set the "shell" for Shell-script mode?

I have some files that are not shell scripts per se, but designed to be sourced by shell scripts. Therefore, the file name don't match any pattern in auto-mode-

tramp never stops asking for password

I've having serious trouble using tramp on Emacs. I am continuously being asked for my password when I ssh into a server via tramp. This is to the point where i

emacs ess-indent-or-complete sends newline to R process

Occasionally, for reasons I can not determine, ess-indent-or-complete sends an input to the R console. In other words, I will be typing something, hit tab to au

How can I install emacs correctly on OS X?

I tried doing: brew install emacs --HEAD --use-git-head --with-cocoa --with-gnutls --with-rsvg --with-imagemagick But when I do emacs --version emacs --vers

How to detect exceptions as errors in emacs *compilation* buffer?

I'm running (c++ / gtest / bazel) unit-tests within emacs (ver 26.3) with results displayed in the *compilation* buffer. I would like unexpected exceptions to b

Convert alist to/from regular list in Elisp?

Given the "everything's-a-list" homoiconic approach to code and data in Lisp, I'm having a hard time understanding how to manipulate alists in Emacs Lisp. In p

How can I preview markdown in Emacs in real time?

I'm using spacemacs and I'm looking for a plugin to preview markdown in real time. I have found a plugin markdown-preview-eww, but it requires a gem and I prefe

How to map "jj" to Esc in emacs Evil mode

Recently I tried Emacs and found Evil helpful to keep my vim custom. I'm used to typing "jj" to return normal mode from insert mode like many Vimers do but don'

emacs change default line ending

In Windows, Emacs is using cr-lf for a linebreak, but I like all my files to use Unix line endings (lf). I found a way to change it during my session, but I am

-bash: emacs: command not found (after updating mac to CATALINA)

After updating my mac to CATALINA, I have been dealing with some issues, and one of them is the fact that I can't open EMACS on the terminal: -bash: emacs:

Org-mode and visual-line-mode except in tables

Is there a way to turn off visual-line-mode within Emacs Org-mode tables? I very much like how visual-line-mode works in Org-mode, except when it wraps wide tab

Why is there no tail recursion optimization in Emacs lisp, not but like other scheme?

Emacs lisp is a dialect of LISP and especially Scheme. Most of scheme interpreters do have a optimization of Tail Recursion, but emacs lisp doens't. I searched

emacs, unsplit a particular window split

I often want to unsplit window as follows: +--------------+-------------+ +--------------+-------------+ | | |

emacs only delete-trailing-whitespace while saving in programming mode

following line removes all training white space while saving. (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'delete-trailing-whitespace) but I want to hook this feature only w

Is it possible to write HTML-withASP-withJavascript-withCSS in EMACS?

I am enjoying learning the EMACS text editor...but I can't help thinking that the HTML mode could use some work. I am currently programming in Legacy ASP/Jav

In Spacemacs/Emacs, How to break one long string to shorter same width multiple lines string?