Category "atom-editor"

Keep hitting an error when trying to use export/import in JavaScript using Atom

I'm trying to write an array in one .js that can be exported to another, but when I try to import it into the other.js Atom keeps throwing me back the following

Setting up Hydrogen and Atom with Anaconda on Windows

I would like to run python interactively in ATOM using the Hydrogen package. I am on Windows 10. I would like to be able to initiate an ATOM session by double

Setting Up a Python Virtual Environment with Hydrogen in Atom

I'm in the middle of switching from VS Code to Atom and I'm trying to set up a virtual environment for my python project. It was pretty easy to do in VS Code, I

How to fix "zsh: command not found: python" error? (macOS Monterey 12.3, python 3.10, Atom IDE, atom-python-run 0.9.7)

Since I got Monterey 12.3 update (not sure it's related though), I have been getting this error when I try to run my python code in the terminal: I am using py

How can I get information on hover effect in atom editor as it displays in VScode?

Is there any plugin that I have to install in Atom to get this type of information on hovering on variables, objects or functions somewhat like intellisense? It

Atom Code Editor. Why is my code not in color?

I started using the Atom Code editor recently. During my last project, I installed a couple of tools to make my coding more interactive. One of the features add

How can I manually download packages for atom editor and install them (manually)?

Due to poor internet connection my atom packages won’t install from settings>preferences>install>packages. So I think I need to manually install

When I Git commit, cmd.exe not found

Quite new to git, so if i made any obvious mistakes I am sorry. When I do git commit, it prints the following message: hint: Waiting for your editor to close t

Spaces in Mermaid

I have a .md file saved and I am viewing it using Atom and the Mermaid Preview package. I am going off the example on their GitHub page: graph TD; A-->B;

How to run a program in Atom Editor?

I found Atom editor as good free alternative to Sublime text editor. Not able to find a straightforward way to run a program in Atom editor. In my case, I am tr

fatal: cannot lock ref 'HEAD': unable to resolve reference 'refs/heads/master': reference broken

For some reason, when I was in Atom, my master branch suddenly disappeared. And now, I get this error: fatal: cannot lock ref 'HEAD': unable to resolve referenc

How to display video and audio in HTML preview in Visual Studio Code

When I use the HTML5 video and audio tags in my code, video and audio appears when I load the file in a browser. They also appear when I use a HTML preview pack

Ignored names still show in tree view in ATOM

I have checked 'Exclude VCS Ignored paths' in Core settings. And 'Hide ignored names', 'Hide VCS ignored files' from tree-view package settings. And then closed

How do I run a python file in Atom? Conda env?

I don't quite know what to do. I use VSCode and Jupyter Notebook and conda env. I just downloaded Atom and it keeps saying no kernal for grammar python. I have

Atom Editor: How to unhide `.env` file in Atom

I've deleted .* from Ignored Names. All the . files are now showing in the sidebar (except for the .env file). Why is only this one file hidden? How can I ma

Don't ignore node_modules in Atom

I'm using node_modules to store my code, following the advice of this answer: However, Atom's search ignores node_m