Category "elk"

ELK stack error elastic search don't authorize Logstash

I followed up this blog to start ELK stack from docker compose file but used version 8.1.2. It is not running successfully elastic search don't authorize Logst

Search between multiple collections in elasticsearch having common fields

I have two different collections as shown in table: T-shirt having fields [Size, ID] Brand having fields [Name, ID] I need to search for only small sized T-shir

logstash settings are invalid

I'am trying to start logstash on windows with a custom conf file but I get always the same error : Your settings are invalid. Reason: Setting "" doesn't exist.

Elasticsearch Term suggester is not returning correct suggestions when one character is missing (instead of misspelling)

I'm using Elasticsearch term suggester for spell correction. my index contains huge list of ads. Each ad has subject and body fields. I've found a problematic e