Category "asgi"

How stream a response from a Twisted server?

Issue My problem is that I can't write a server that streams the response that my application sends back. The response are not retrieved chunk by chunk, but fro

ValueError: set_wakeup_fd only works in main thread on Windows on Python 3.8 with Django 3.0.2 or Flask 2.0.0

When I run my Django Web application with Apache2.4.41 + Python 3.8.1 + Django 3.0.2 + MySQL 8.0.19 on Windows 10 Professional version it throws Value Error at

Running django with ASGI?

I have a django app I using this [docker] ( for production deployment when I run the app using: gunicorn --l

How do I write an ASGI compliant middleware (while staying framework-agnostic)?

We're currently maintaining code written in several HTTP frameworks (Flask, aiohttp and FastAPI). Rewriting them so they all use the same framework is currently

What's the right procfile / requirements for heroku with django channels?

tl;dr - django channels app runs local with runserver but not on heroku. I'm new to django channels - trying to deploy a very basic django app using

How to proxy both WSGI and ASGI via Uvicorn or Daphne with nginx and SSL proxy?

I have a small project that uses Django Channels (websockets) and it works fine locally. I've added SSL to my docker-based deployment with the letsencrypt-compa