Category "rollup"

is it possible to run a rollup plugin without an input file (in a multi bundle instance)?

I have a situation where I am bundling multiple files via rollup cli an example of this is available in documentation. I export an array of bundles like so: e

adding dynamic class name in svelte

I am currently writing an app with svelte, sapper and tailwind. So to get tailwind working I have added this to my rollup config svelte({ compilerOption

Getting error while bundling Vue app with rollup js. CreateElementVNode

Basically, I am building VS code extension using Vue js but bundling the app using rollupjs gives an error. Node version - 14.18.0 Vue Js Version - 2.6.14 Rollu

is it possible to use rollup for processing just css?

I know that Rollup is used to bundle .js files. But is it possible to use it just to process css? (css, scss, less, etc). What i mean is if i had for example in

Rollup & Typescript type declarations with absolute imports

I'm making React component library. Project structure is something like: src/ components/ utils/ hooks/ Now I'm trying to generate types (.d.ts.) file

Rollup & Typescript type declarations with absolute imports

I'm making React component library. Project structure is something like: src/ components/ utils/ hooks/ Now I'm trying to generate types (.d.ts.) file

Rollup is importing util

I am building a library to be used to call api's I am using rollup to bundle all the files into one file, the issue is its adding this line import util from 'ut

Svelte how to import

I am working on my first svelte project and are trying to use google-api-wrapper with the only change being that i import: import Google from "google-api-wrappe

Rollup & React- How to separate component bundles?

I currently am trying to build a UI Library for React and I am having a little bit of trouble. Currently I am using typescript and rollup, and I am able to bund

Web components with vaadin and rollup with svelte: Primary button ignores theme attribute

Maybe someone tried this before and is able to give me a hint. I have used normal svelte setup (mentioned in the main page) which scaffolds the app; npx degit s

How to include HTML partials using Vite?

Is it possible to include snippets of shared HTML using Vite (vanilla)? I'm looking for a way to have the HTML prerendered without injecting via JS. Something l