Category "charts"

yAxes not re-render new data in Chart.js with React.js

Hi I try using the Line chart in my project but get an error you can see it in the image below package.json "dependencies": { "chart.js": "^3.7.1", "react": chart axis.X showing label is strange

Hope someone can help. Have a chart in winforms embeded which shows weeks on the axis.X. Interval is 8/30/2021 to 9/9/2022. AxisX.Interval is set to 1. F

How to add a name to a chart on flutter, x- and y-axis?

I have been working with the online gallery of Flutter charts ( but I'm struggling to add a title for x &am

draw cursor on a QChartView object

I need to draw a cursor on the QChartView object. something like this: Cursor on the Chart Whenever a user clicks on the chart the cursor should be moved th

charts_flutter PanAndZoomBehavior is not working in a Scrollview

If we implement any chart ( whether it be a Linechart or Barchart from chart_flutter ) and in behaviours we have added charts.PanAndZoomBehavior(), pan and zoom

How to combine two pivot tables into one chart in excel

I have two pivot tables, each with two columns. One column is a range from 0 to 6.5, grouped by .5 and the other column is the percentage of the whole column th

How to get all the values in one wrapping circle in swimlane-ngx-charts - gauge chart

I'm using the ngx swimlane charts ( import { NgxChartsModule } from '@swimlane/ngx-charts'; ) . Here in the charts (

Google Chart vAxis values are not showing

I am working on various graphs and I am showing multiple graphs in a single page. Somehow vAxis values are not showing on some graphs but it showing in some ind

Change format of all data labels of a single series at once

I have an Excel 2010 chart, with several series. I have added data labels to one of the series. I want to change the font size of all labels of that series at o

How do I import a csv into chart.js?

I have been looking for this solution but can't seem to find it . Does chart.js support this ? I have attempted to parse in the data with papaparse, but due to

How can I order columns in a box chart in JFreeChart?

I have a box chart with multiple boxes in rows and columns. The ordering of the boxes is wrong. Each row (color) is labeled by an enum constant of type Multiple

Make Line chart gradient color go from line to bottom - SwiftUI

I am trying to make it so the line chart display a gradient color from the line and down but I can't seem to get it to only go from the line. Instead it just fi

How do I achieve a multi-series line chart in Crystal Reports?

This relates to my How do I achieve a pivot report in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio? The data is the same, but they want a line chart as well. So, my data

How to make all series in a chart the same color?

How do I color all the series (lines) in a specific (selected/current) chart the same color? I have the following, but it does nothing: Sub Same_Color() Dim

iOS-charts invert the X axis direction

I have a bar chart built using Daniel Gindi iOS-charts. It represents history data over a period of time. The issue I am having is that the data is being plott

Apex chart Charts order in Mixed chart

I'm currently using the library ApexChart and more particulary Vue apex chart combined with nuxt. I'm building a dashboard and I'm trying to build a mixed chart

iOS Charts - Bar Chart repeating labels on X axis

I have made a bar chart with 6 groups and I have manage to hack my way into centering them exactly below each group. Now, the problem is that the value inside o